Suddenly I saw the folds of my bed-curtain stir; and heard a bumping sound, like that caused by some person hopping on one foot across the floor. I was hesitating between a porcelain dragon, all constellated with warts--its mouth formidable with bristling tusks and ranges of teeth--and an abominable little Mexican fetish, representing the god Zitziliputzili au naturel, when I caught sight of a charming foot, which I at first took for a fragment of some antique Venus. We had reached our destination. Even Xixouthros himself was visibly affected. The Mummy's Foot. It’s a terrain where the foot is imagined as playful and impudent, caustic and charming – and promising much (illus. cried the Princess, clapping her little hands together with every sign of frantic joy: "it was this gentleman who restored it to me.". During this time, he became a journalist for Le Moniteur universel, then the editorship of influential review L'Artiste in 1856. The Mummy's Foot. In one of those sudden flights of thought so common in dreams I heard the hoarse falsetto of the bric-a-brac dealer, repeating like a monotonous refrain the phrase he had uttered in his shop with so enigmatical an intonation: "Old Pharaoh will not be well pleased: he loved his daughter, the dear man!". the foot in a never­never land where fact, fantasy and fetish co­ mingle. He was a celebrated abandonnée of the Romantic Ballet, writing several scenarios, the most famous of which is Giselle. exclaimed Pharaoh, pointing to me with his scepter, which was terminated with a lotus-flower. There is one thing there which clings alike to the shop of the dealer in old iron, the wareroom of the tapestry-maker, the laboratory of the chemist, and the studio of the painter:--in all those gloomy dens where a furtive daylight filters in through the window-shutters, the most manifestly ancient thing is dust;--the cobwebs are more authentic than the guimp laces; and the old pear-tree furniture on exhibition is actually younger than the mahogany which arrived but yesterday from America. Thank you, teachers, for what you do; April 29, 2021. The foot—we know it well. 'The Mummy's Foot' is from 'The Age of Fibs', winner of the 2108 Carmel Bird Digital Literary Award and now available as an ebook from Spineless Wonders or the usual ebook outlets. In the 1830 Revolution, he chose to stay with friends in the Doyenné district of Paris, living a rather pleasant bohemian life. The Princess Hermonthis cried, in a voice sweet and vibrant as the tones of a crystal bell: "Well, my dear little foot, you always flee from me; yet I always took good care of you. The entire story was highly amusing. The story focuses on a collector obtaining a mummy’s foot from a curiosity shop with plans to use it as a paperweight. Copyright © East of the Web and contributors 2018. 'The Mummy's Foot' is a Gothic type short story with a touch of humor. If you liked this story, please share it with others: A pioneering aviator begins to suspect that the official explainations cannot account for the constant stream of in-air deaths and disappearances. This story was uninspired. The Mummy's Foot is a gothic short story by the French writer Théophile Gautier, first published in 1840. 'The Mummy's Foot' is a Gothic type short story with a touch of humor. This gothic fantasy short story is about the adventures of a man who buys the 3,000 year old mummy's foot of an Egyptian princess Hermonthis in a Parisian curiosity shop. First time reading Gautier and as a writer he is quite impressive. The mummy's feet are obtained as a possible reward from master Treasure Trails. Unsure of whether to give this a three or two. Hermonthis kindled a torch, and led the way before me. It was not a foot of metal but in sooth a foot of flesh, an embalmed foot, a mummy's foot. After permitting me to gaze upon this bewildering spectacle a few moments, the Princess Hermonthis presented me to her father Pharaoh, who favored me with a most gracious nod. and he wishes to espouse the Princess Hermonthis, who is thirty centuries old!" The Mummy’s Foot will transport you. It was a lovely story, not at all scary, in fact it was quite endearing. "What country do you come from? All rights reserved. Her arms, slender and spindle-shaped, like those of very young girls, were encircled by a peculiar kind of metal bands and bracelets of glass beads; her hair was all twisted into little cords; and she wore upon her bosom a little idol-figure of green paste, bearing a whip with seven lashes, which proved it to be an image of Isis: her brow was adorned with a shining plate of gold; and a few traces of paint relieved the coppery tint of her cheeks. December 1st 2005 *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Shame it was short as I would have liked to have read more about what lead the market tradesman to steal the princesses foot and how he did it. His prestige was confirmed by his role as director of Revue de Paris from 1851-1856. Although she had not as yet spoken, I fully comprehended the thoughts which agitated her: she looked at her foot--it was indeed her own--with an exquisitely graceful expression of coquettish sadness; but the foot leaped and ran hither and thither, as though impelled on steel springs. Meanwhile, I thought it was just a Cinderella retelling :))))))) why am I like this. "Will you not buy something from me to-day, sir? "Alas, no!--my jewels, my rings, my purses of gold and silver, they were all stolen from me," answered the Princess Hermonthis, with a sob. Watch Your Show Time - Season 1, Episode 4 - The Mummy's Foot: A young writer stumbles across the foot of a mummy that appears to have strange effects upon whomever finds it. His hands--thin, slender, full of nerves which projected like strings upon the finger-board of a violin, and armed with claws like those on the terminations of bats' wings--shook with senile trembling; but those convulsively agitated hands became firmer than steel pincers or lobsters' claws when they lifted any precious article--an onyx cup, a Venetian glass, or a dish of Bohemian crystal. April 30, 2021. The Princess Hermonthis still held my hand, and graciously saluted the mummies of her acquaintance. I went home, delighted with my acquisition. It was a young girl of a very deep coffee-brown complexion, like the bayadere Amani, and possessing the purest Egyptian type of perfect beauty: her eyes were almond-shaped and oblique, with eyebrows so black that they seemed blue; her nose was exquisitely chiseled, almost Greek in its delicacy of outline; and she might indeed have been taken for a Corinthian statue of bronze, but for the prominence of her cheek-bones and the slightly African fulness of her lips, which compelled one to recognize her as belonging beyond all doubt to the hieroglyphic race which dwelt upon the banks of the Nile. It was not a foot of metal, but in sooth a foot of flesh, an embalmed foot, a mummy's foot. ", "I am a Frenchman; and I am twenty-seven years old, venerable Pharaoh.". " The curve of his nose presented an aquiline silhouette, which suggested the Oriental or Jewish type. I read this story because I noticed it was translated by Lafcadio Hearn, a writer whom I respect deeply. This gothic fantasy short story is about the adventures of a man who buys the 3,000 year old mummy’s foot of an Egyptian princess Hermonthis in a Parisian curiosity shop. Blog. The striped breastplate of a damascened suit of Milanese armor glittered in one corner; Loves and Nymphs of porcelain; Chinese Grotesques, vases of celadon and crackle-ware; Saxon and old Souvres cups encumbered the shelves and nooks of the apartment. "See how vigorous I yet remain, and how mighty is my grasp," he added, shaking my hand in the English fashion with a strength that buried my rings in the flesh of my fingers. I peered through my room with a feeling of expectation which I saw nothing to justify: every article of furniture was in its proper place; the lamp, softly shaded by its globe of ground crystal, burned upon its bracket; the water-color sketches shone under their Bohemian glass; the curtains hung down languidly; everything wore an aspect of tranquil slumber. Download the The Mummy's Foot ebook free The plot follows a man who buys a mummified foot in an antiques shop. The Mummy's Foot and the Big Toe book. 3.7 • 6 Ratings; Publisher Description. ", "God! Goes home then out with friends, home again and then the fun begins! Welcome back. She took her foot--which surrendered itself willingly this time--like a woman about to put on her little shoe, and adjusted it to her leg with much skill. Later he has dinner and a few drinks with friends. Then commenced between the Princess Hermonthis and her foot--which appeared to be endowed with a special life of its own--a very fantastic dialogue in a most ancient Coptic tongue, such as might have been spoken thirty centuries ago in the syrinxes of the land of Ser: luckily, I understood Coptic perfectly well that night. This story relates the fantastical tale of a contemporary man and the adventures which befall him when he ventures into a Parisian curiosity shop and buys the four thousand year old foot of Princess Hermonthis. Peter might already have a lot of Egyptian antiquities, but he's really happy because he just found a 3000 year old mummified foot at an antique store! A Frenchman buys the mummified foot of Princess Hermonthis to use as a paperweight. Here is a Malay kreese with a blade undulating like flame: look at those grooves contrived for the blood to run along, those teeth set backwards so as to tear out the entrails in withdrawing the weapon--it is a fine character of ferocious arm, and will look well in your collection: this two-handed sword is very beautiful--it is the work of Josepe de la Hera; and this colichemarde, with its fenestrated guard--what a superb specimen of handicraft! Mexican Gothic begins when happily ever after turns into a nightmare. cried out at once all the Thrones and all the Circles of Nations. A brilliant scientist who believes that machines can think creates something dangerous in his workshop. This is a slightly amusing gothic tale in parts, less so in others, about a man who buys an ancient relic, a mummified foot of an Egyptian princess. by Theophile Gautier. He walks the thin line between a good, beautiful description and disgusting purple prose quite well. "By Oms, the dog of Hell, and Tmei, daughter of the Sun and of Truth! It’s dull, predictable and monotonous, the only thing I liked about it was the surprisingly comical and sweet finale. He intends to use the foot as a paperweight. The Mummy's Foot is a short story by Théophile Gautier, first published in the September 1840 issue of Le Musée des familles. Addeddate 2017-08-12 18:14:13 Color b/w Identifier YourShowTimeTheMummysFoot Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.3 Sound He poured the gold coins into a sort of medi3Ž4val alms-purse hanging at his belt, repeating: "The foot of the Princess Hermonthis, to be used for a paper-weight!". Local and imported influences all played their part in shaping ‘The Mummy’s Foot’, … In a devastated world, a group of men travel to New York, with something special in a suitcase. On examining it still more closely the very grain of the skin, and the almost imperceptible lines impressed upon it by the texture of the bandages, became perceptible. "O you everlasting sleeper!--must I have you carried out into the middle of the street, and fireworks exploded in your ears? In the first place let me warn you that all my wealth consists of just five louis: I can buy anything that costs five louis, but nothing dearer;--you might search my vest pockets and most secret drawers without even finding one poor--five-franc piece more.". This feels like a romantic comedy with horror undertones rather than a pure horror story, which honestly isn’t such a bad thing as I felt that to be the most unique aspect of the tale. An old fashioned ghost story that made me smile at the end. In this one a man buys a foot of a mummy, belonging to an Egyptian princess, as a paperweight. "Then the last particles of your dust will have been scattered abroad by the winds; and even Isis herself, who was able to find the atoms of Osiris, would scarce be able to recompose your being. We passed for some time with the velocity of an arrow through a fluid and grayish expanse, in which half-formed silhouettes flitted swiftly by us, to right and left. +0. +0. After a few moments, however, all this calm interior appeared to become disturbed; the woodwork cracked stealthily; the ash-covered log suddenly emitted a jet of blue flame; and the disks of the pateras seemed like great metallic eyes, watching, like myself, for the things which were about to happen. Be the first to ask a question about The Mummy's Foot. I saw her eyes fill with pearly-gleaming tears. This is similar to the theme figuring in other stories by the author. The warehouse of my bric-a-brac dealer was a veritable Capharnaum; all ages and all nations seemed to have made their rendezvous there; an Etruscan lamp of red clay stood upon a Boule cabinet, with ebony panels, brightly striped by lines of inlaid brass; a duchess of the court of Louis XV nonchalantly extended her fawn-like feet under a massive table of the time of Louis XIII with heavy spiral supports of oak, and carven designs of chimeras and foliage intermingled. "I have found my foot again!--I have found my foot!" Poor video quality. Théophile Gautier 's The Mummy's Foot for your kindle, tablet, IPAD, PC or mobile. In the night, he sees a vision of the princess, and he agrees to return her foot in exchange for a small statuette. "If you were even only two thousand years old," replied the ancient King, "I would willingly give you the Princess; but the disproportion is too great; and, besides, we must give our daughters husbands who will last well: you do not know how to preserve yourselves any longer; even those who died only fifteen centuries ago are already no more than a handful of dust;--behold! The Mummy's Foot' is a gothic short story written by French writer, Théophile Gautier, author of 'Clarimonde'. I forgot all, all about it," I answered, dressing myself hurriedly; "we will go there at once; I have the permit lying on my desk.". The effect was charming, bizarre, and romantic. All Episodes (26) Next. This audio was originally produced for ABC Radio National's Poetica. This story felt familiar, but I don't know where I heard or know of it prior to reading it. The bed-curtains opened and I beheld the strangest figure imaginable before me. His works include: Albertus (1830), La Comédie de la Mort (1838), Une Larme du Diable (1839), Constantinople (1853) and L'Art Moderne (1856), “Au lieu d'être immobile comme il convient à un pied embaumé depuis quatre mille ans, il s'agitait, se contractait et sautillait sur les papiers comme une grenouille effarée.”, 'Mexican Gothic' Takes Readers Deep into Danger. Previous. 30min | Drama | Episode aired 11 February 1949. The races of Kemi, the races of Nahasi--all the black, bronzed, and copper-colored nations repeated in chorus: "The Princess Hermonthis has found her foot again!". I'm not entirely sure if this was meant to be as satirical and funny as it was. Publication date 1949-02-11 Topics mummy, television Language English. "Ah, how pleased my father will be!--he who was so unhappy because of my mutilation, and who from the moment of my birth set a whole nation at work to hollow me out a tomb so deep that he might preserve me intact until that last day, when souls must be weighed in the balance of Amenthi! The Mummy's Foo‪t‬ ... A man enters an antiques shop and buys a mummified foot which supposedly belonged to an Egyptian princess. To purchase the entire book, please order ISBN 1419181335. Peter Renault (Herbert Anderson) is a writer who fantasizes that he is in the story he is writing about ancient Egypt. He returns home and retires to his bed chamber and goes on a long nocturnal journey. "Ha, ha!--you want the foot of the Princess Hermonthis,"--exclaimed the merchant, with a strange giggle, fixing his owlish eyes upon me--"ha, ha, ha!--for a paper-weight!--an original idea!--artistic idea! Have you five pieces of gold for my ransom?". Yes. The odor of the myrrh had augmented in intensity; and I felt a slight headache, which I very naturally attributed to several glasses of champagne that we had drunk to the unknown gods and our future fortunes. When I came back that evening, with my brain slightly confused by a few glasses of wine, a vague whiff of Oriental perfume delicately titillated my olfactory nerves: the heat of the room had warmed the natron, bitumen, and myrrh in which the paraschistes, who cut open the bodies of the dead, had bathed the corpse of the princess;--it was a perfume at once sweet and penetrating--a perfume that four thousand years had not been able to dissipate. It was a singular face that of the merchant:--an immense skull, polished like a knee, and surrounded by a thin aureole of white hair, which brought out the clear salmon tint of his complexion all the more strikingly, lent him a false aspect of patriarchal bonhomie, counteracted, however, by the scintillation of two little yellow eyes which trembled in their orbits like two louis-d' or upon quicksilver. The Mummy's Foot. Maybe being in a movie with a human-sized invisible rabbit named "Harvey" was enough for her because she quick acting soon after that. Episode 4 of the first season of "Your Show Time", an anthology TV series from 1949. I looked upon all who did not possess, like myself, a paper-weight so authentically Egyptian, as very ridiculous people; and it seemed to me that the proper occupation of every sensible man should consist in the mere fact of having a mummy's foot upon his desk. The Mummy's Foot by Théophile Gautier is a traditional and charming Gothic tale. Season 1 | Episode 4. She gave me her hand, which felt soft and cold, like the skin of a serpent; and we departed. Attack bonuses. As for her costume, it was very odd indeed. We’d love your help. I delivered this discourse in a royally gallant, troubadour tone, which must have astonished the beautiful Egyptian girl. One strange circumstance, which was not at all calculated to restore my equanimity, was that the apparition had but one foot; the other was broken off at the ankle! In the 1830 Revolution, he chose to stay with friends in the Doyenné district of Paris, living a rather pleasant bohemian life. A Frenchman buys the mummified foot of Princess Hermonthis to use as a paperweight. Happily I met some friends, whose presence distracted me in my infatuation with this new acquisition: I went to dinner with them; for I could not very well have dined with myself. First published in 1840. Read online. The Mummy’s Foot, Theophile Gautier. I thought this proposition natural enough. Just remember, the enchantments of the supernatural can be tempting but are not always what they seem. The dealer followed me closely through the tortuous way contrived between the piles of furniture; warding off with his hands the hazardous sweep of my coat-skirts; watching my elbows with the uneasy attention of an antiquarian and a usurer. Silent flight reviews from world ’ s foot and that is when the Adventure starts, and objects discernible. As if you were a contemporary of his nose presented an aquiline,! Special in a devastated world, a Mummy, television Language English the Dream of Egypt, I. Gothic type short story for free on Gutenberg Project us know what ’ s foot. `` is! As Jewish caricatures was n't uncommon, but could not succeed Taboada family receiving a mysterious letter from... see. And Tmei, daughter of the romantic Ballet, writing several scenarios, the dog of,... Dog of Hell, and the ending surprises that does n't mean it is fair! 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