Flippy is one of the tree friends captured by the Dragon, and is eventually rescued by Allay and Lemy. I've taken over his body and killed all his friends more than enough times for him to hate me. It was shown that Flippy rips the Mole's skin off with a hanging hook. He got it when he watched his friends die in the war and to avoid getting killed, he hid in one of their bodies. Flippy is a green male bear with dog tags and a green beret with checkered crest. These chats have helped Flippy realize a few things about his alter. Summary. Positive Relationships: Lumpy (mainly), Pop, Flaky, Fliqpy (formally) Negative Relationships: Fliqpy (arch-nemesis), Cub (according to Mime) HISTORY. — arcade he/it | ic captainhowdie ⁉️ I'm blaming you because you kill my friends and you hurt Flaky!" Flippy retorted fiercely, though he knew it was pointless. In "Party Animal" (the episode where she threw a party for him), she was in his plain sight when he started killing other characters, but he . filled to the brim with paranormal charm…. Geneva Conventions. Flippy's imaginary friend. Yes, Flippy is at least 37 years old. There are also strange instances when he kills everyone else, like in Party Animal, where there is a moment when he searches for other victims to kill and she is in plain sight, but he doesn't go to kill her, and, after killing the others, he comes back from his "flipped out" mode at the sound of her death. It's the war that flips him, not his service. There are also strange instances when he kills everyone else, like in Party Animal, where there is a moment when he searches for other victims to kill and she is in plain sight, but he doesn't go to kill her, and, after killing the others, he comes back from his "flipped out" mode at the sound of her death. loud noises, bright lights, etc.) His deaths usually involve his head, getting impaled or crushed, explosions, or loss of body parts. Standing outside the house, she could hear her boyfriend mutter quietly to himself. Flippy appeared in the original Happy Plants, an online series created by MondoMedia, the series is known for the dead; Some launch Flippy itself. Well yes. The Mole does not make any sounds, though his feelings are expressed by his pulils, which are seen for the first time. . Appearance. He has a severe case of post traumatic stress disorder. "Double Whammy" and "Without A Hitch". Flippy: *Stretches and paws at the door, yawns widely, showing off his large teeth* ;v; Flaky: *Is now holding a frying pan for 'protection'* Flippy: *Swipes the door open with claws, he looks up at Flaky, is a cute little bear* Flaky is Flippy's closest friend in the actual show. He is also the arch-nemesis of his true . But then, Flaky discovered Flippy's disorder and she . Cro-Marmot, Flippy, Splendid, and Lumpy seem to be able to survive situations and wounds that would kill a normal tree friend (due to being entrapped in ice, serving in the military and being a Flying Brick, respectively), making their deaths among the more gruesome ones in the show. "Yes! The reason why flippy didn't kill flaky in party animal was because in the army, there is this code he has to follow where he can't kill anyone who is not capable of defending his or herself, which is the reason why he didn't kill flaky since she completely defenseless when her allergies acted up, and he never killed the mole cause he is blind . The gang goes on a cool vacation only to find themselves icebound and starving. According to writer Warren Graff, Flippy is based on John Rambo. Although Flippy can be the most cruel and dangerous character in Happy Tree Friends when "flipped out", in his normal . 2d Flippy. His evil personality is the main antagonist of the adult animated Internet/TV series Happy Tree Friends; he also appeared in its spinoff Ka-Pow! With 58 deaths, Cuddles is the character who has been killed the most times in the Happy Tree Friends franchise. He then turned into Fliqpy (As he always does). This state is usually accepted as Fliqpy or "Evil" Flippy. Why does flippy turn evil? Flippy, or Fliqpy for this matter, is the main antagonist of the Happy Tree Friends TV show who has rare appearances, but makes a huge impact on the other main characters when he does appear. Flippy is a green male bear. He also seems to be wearing a pair of dark green pants as well. He is a retired veteran soldier in the Army. He wears dog tags around his neck and a green beret with checkered crest on his head. He is no longer a kid of 15 or 16 years old. (intelligence quotient), teeth that appear on his nose or mouth, weird eyes, and mismatched antlers. In Lumpy's case, he is the tallest of the main cast, and with . Flippy gave Harry a look that conveyed an amused exasperation. medium. Happy Tree Friends Adventures Legends. So, whenever Flippy is reminded of war, his second personality kicks in and he starts killing random people, that includes friends, because he confuses them as enemy soldiers. HTF) The deadly teddy bear (Flippy/Flipqy x Flaky) Fiona Quill or Flaky has always been shy. His evil mind never listened to him. . Fliqpy always had his way. Military personnel, even in the infantry, aren't in combat situations 24/7. His son Cub often dies as a result of both his attention and inattention - although it's clear that he loves him. He wears a camouflage-patterned military jacked (the stripes on his shoulders representing the rank of Sargent in the US . Poll. What is Flippy from Happy Tree Friends? Flippy is a major character in the Happy Tree Friends series. HTFMegaman set Flippy's age in the Happy Tree Friends Adventures series as 13, . He is a retired veteran soldier in the Army. "This will sting, a . Fliqpy is a character from FNF and he comes from the show Happy Tree Friends. Powell grew up in North Wales. He believes he is on the battlefield and follows the rules of war. Does flippy have a sister . you: don't kill me. Does Flippy have PTSD or split personalities? Show discussion 5 . Kill Chart Flippy's kills in order of character, episode, and method. Flippy and Flaky as they appear in most anime styled fanart. After Fliqpy's defeat, Flippy considers going to the hospital for mental treatment. Or is it both? Happy Tree Friends Adventures RPG: The Fire Point. How many kills does flippy have? Although Flippy can be the most cruel and dangerous character in Happy Tree Friends when "flipped out", in his normal state, . Thats also why he ends up killing all their friends- they look like enemy soldiers to him. "If Master Harry does not want to interact with his relatives, Master Harry does not have to. On much lesser occasions, such as Happy Trails Pt. This evil state of Flippy is almost always induced by post-traumatic stress (PTSD) from his days at the war. if flippy turn to fiiqpy in the episode without a hitch and right when he is cutting flaky seat belts to free her and flaky stabbed fiiqpy in the eye how would fiiqpy react l mean flippy just scream and run away and got run over by lumpy but how fiiqpy react would he try to pull it out or would he just scream in pain ? Even when her friends begged her to she was afraid of trying new things but they never knew the reason why. If being reminded of war is what flips Flippy, then why does he wear his uniform all the time? I hate this show too. 6. whatever you did flqpy saw you. 4 comments. Your words do not effect me mortal: I love happy tree friends NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY HAHA. This is a full week with five songs. A Vicious Cycle - Is struck by lightning and disintegrates into ashes. …According to writer Warren Graff, Flippy is based on John Rambo. *flippy was coverd in blood*. His uniform is slightly different from his original design and his dog tags seem to be missing. Boomstick: JESUS. 6) Flippy killed Giggles in "On my mind" because he loves Flaky, not her! Although by the TV series, this has changed to Flippy generally not noticing or even caring about Flaky, even when flipped out. If he hears or sees anything that reminds him of war, he will go through a phase where he flips out. Flippy's alter ego « » Log in or sign up. Flippy fought in Vietnam for 5 years, and in one of his missions he had to go kill the general of an enemy base, he went with two of his former friends, Sneaky and Mouse Ka-Boom. Adventure Fanfiction Mystery Friendship Cartoons Happy Tree Friends . Michael. fliqpy: why would I do that? flippy: what justed happened? Enter Flippy. He is later captured by Iggy and Larry. Flippy/Fliqpy, also known as Flippy/Evil, is another popular Happy Tree Friends pairing that started after the canon episode, "Autopsy Turvy", came out. Flippy and Flaky as they appear in most anime styled fanart. This is the most abstract and dumb theory I have ever heard. I'm not trying to get you to like the show, I'm just giving you alittle info. out of all the episodes flippy is in how many episodes did he get killed. so you sit and watched fliqpy kill then fliqpy snaps back to flippy. Also he seems to have created Evil Flippy by his desperation to live in the WAR Journal. Flippy can pop Master Harry wherever he needs to be. Derpy is a non Trollge character in The Trollge Files.He is the former best friend of Stairway who got turned into a monster and tried to kill him.Flippy is a character from Happy Tree Friends , an adult animated show, and a very famous one among the show's fanbase.Previously a sergeant of a war, he now hangs about in the world of Happy Tree . However, because of the war, Flippy developed PTSD (Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder). l. Flippy is a green bear in a camo outfit. Flippy (or also called Fliqpy, daylight) is a must-have Friday Night Funkin'Mod VS Flippy. Instead Flippy took his place which explains why Flippy had Pop's voice. easy. Well, we can speculate that Flippy left the army earlier because of his mental condition. 139 fans have answered this question. Flippy and Flaky as they appear in most anime styled fanart. And considering Flaky's shyness and social awkwarkness, I highly doubt that planning a party for an army veteran was her idea. 3. Lumpy has the series' highest kill count by far. Flippy has what is known as post traumatic stress disorder. Instead of the normal small, plump body with a large, oval head, he is taller and skinnier than the other characters and has a smaller, narrower, elongated head.
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