4. Fire Rating: Highest Rating - Class A. 326 Asphalt Concrete - Class HR ..... 169 330 Prime, Tack, Fog Seal, and Flush Seal .................................................................. 171 332 Cold Milling Asphalt Concrete ................................................................................ 177 Division 200 – Site Preparation and Earthwork. General Information: A. If the HMA mixture does not meet the acceptance control limits, submit a revision to the job mix acceptance target values provided the revised job mix meets all of the requirements of the specifications. Arkansas 2003 Standard Specification for Highway Construction. revise the specification to reflect ASTM standard specification, added full section on MPL Qualification Procedure, and; removed Class 9 and 10 (both are emulsion materials tested in Item 300 and not part of the MPL). c. AASHTO Specification 401 Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements 41 d. AASHTO Specification 404 Tack Coat 55 e. AASHTO Specification 409 Cold Milling Asphalt Pavement 61 f. AASHTO Specification 411 In-Place Cold Recycled Asphalt Pavement 65 g. AASHTO Specification 501 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement 68 h. The newest revision of the Advisory Circle (AC) 150/5370-10H “Standard Specifications for Construction of Airports” was released in December 2018. Back in 2004 the Asphalt Institute (AI) and PRI Asphalt Technologies collaborated to develop a binder specification database by State. QC is defined as all activities required to produce HMA that meets all specification requirements.

During that time VDOT has changed their nomenclature for asphalt mixes several times, typically following a major rewrite of their asphalt specifications and mix design criteria. Landham, MD. AASHTO Superpave® specification M-320 is the most widely used asphalt binder specification in the United States (1). The Superpave mix shall be FAA 43 unless otherwise specified. The Asphalt Materials section of the Office of Materials Management conducts testing and personnel approvals in support of ODOT Districts project contract administration, contractor and supplier approvals, material investigations, as well as implementation of new specifications and technology. The aggregate to asphalt ratio depends on many factors but generally ranges from 1:3 to 1:8 (aggregate: asphalt) at an average of 1:4.5.

A job mix revision is only allowed between LOTS. C. Before placing asphalt concrete on untreated base, a liquid asphalt prime coat shall be applied to the base course in the areas to be surfaced in accordance with Section 39-4 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. Comply with Section 503, Equipment and Processes and the Application of Quality Assurance Specifications for Asphalt Concrete Mixtures (QA Manual). Porous Asphalt: Tex-538-C “Quality Monitoring for Rubber Asphalt Crack Sealers and Related Materials,” (Spec Committee No.

1.2 REFERENCES (continued) Standards and Building Codes: I. ASTM D 4586 – Standard Specification for Asphalt Roof Cement, Asbestos –Free. (rev 01-01-00) (1-13) section 331type s asphalt concrete, qualityassurance and acceptance procedures. ” Section 39, “Hot Mix Asphalt,” of the Standard Specifications is an amendment to the special provisions of all contracts currently awarded by Caltrans. Revision of Section 105 HMA Smoothnesss Revision of Section 105 PCCP Smoothnesss. Hot-mix asphalt (HMA) is a generic term that includes many different types of mixtures of aggregate and asphalt cement (binder) produced at elevated temperatures (generally between 300-350ºF) in an asphalt plant. 3. APPLICATION OF QUALITY ASSURANCE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ASPHALT CONCRETE MIXTURES – used in conjunction with and supplement Part V of the Louisiana Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges for the design, production, and placement of … HOT MIX ASPHALT SPECIFICATION SPEC-926.doc/jd DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL: All plant mixed HMA items shall be furnished in accordance with Sections 401 and 402 of the New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, Construction and Materials, dated May 1, 2008, and the Unless … Division 300 – Bases and Granular Surfaces. Special specifications 3,000 to 3,999 assigned for Surface Courses/Pavements Background of Specifications for FDR using Emulsion & … STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS of May 4, 2006 217 Section 400 HOT MIX ASPHALT SECTION 401 - PLANT PRODUCTION 401-1 DESCRIPTION. Asphalt Shoulder Widening Course are also referred to in the specification. Caltrans has recently updated and retitled Standard Specification Section 39 “Asphalt Concrete,” to Section 39 “Hot Mix Asphalt. The asphalt binder, sometimes referred to as the asphalt cement binder or the asphalt cement, is an essential component of asphalt concrete—it is as the name implies the cement that holds the aggregate together.The asphalt binder is a co-product of the petroleum-refining … Portland Cement Concrete Pavement. RECENTLY ISSUED SPECIAL PROVISIONS Recently Issued Special Provisions.

The Maryland Asphalt Association recommends the use of these specifications. Through the Heavy Haulers specifications database, you can compare Caterpillar asphalt paver specs with similar models from other manufacturers until you get the most suitable one. Measurement and Payment Articles are combined when the work described is

General Description These specifications cover the requirements for the construction of Superpave Asphalt Pavement Material (APM). WA-RD 517.1.

This Specification covers the requirements of constructing a Superpave Asphalt Concrete course using the type of mixture specified in the Contract, or when offered as alternates, as selected. Division 100 – General Provisions. Superpave mixes are identified as Type SP-9.5, Type SP-12.5 or Type SP-19.0.

The basic Articles required for a specification are: 1. The contractor is responsible for Quality Control (QC). This report is a first step in the development of asphalt pavement specifications built around quality criteria that are truly related to pavement performance. " Standard Specifications issued in 2014 and contain both United States Customary and Metric units of measure. specifications were re-implemented as“Hot Mix Asphalt Using Statistical Pay Factors (SPF).” The new specifications are similar to the previous QCQA specifications, except that a pay factor for air voids replaces a pay factor of one of the aggregate gradation sieve sizes.

History of Asphalt Grading Systems 4 • 1918 Bureau of Public Roads (now FHWA) developed penetration grades and recommended uses for northern and southern states • 1931 AASHTO published specifications • 1955 Thin film oven (TFO) test added • Current: Five penetration grades specified 40 - 50 120 - 150 3) Specify the surface aggregate classification (SAC) on the set of plans. asphalt concrete mixture in conformance with these specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades, thicknesses, and typical sections shown on the plans or established. DESCRIPTION This work shall consist of furnishing all materials, equipment, labor, and preparation necessary for the application of a topically applied plant-based or petroleum-based penetrating asphalt rejuvenating agent to VDOT Specifications for SM-4.75, SM-9.0, SM-9.5, SM-12.5, and IM-19.0 can be found in Section 211 of the 2016 VDOT Road and Bridges Specification Book. This specification covers the requirements for the materials, equipment, and methods to be followed for proportioning and mixing hot mix asphalt, including recycled mixes and mixes for miscellaneous work. SUPERPAVE MIX PROPERTIES AND RECYCLED ASPHALT PAVEMENT (RAP) Superpave mix properties and RAP (if used) shall be in accordance with Section 430 of the NDDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.

With the price of asphalt continuing to escalate, it’s understandable that many have … Serving the needs of liquid asphalt manufacturers and suppliers worldwide since 1919. Asphalt cement modification has been practiced for over 50 years but has received added attention in the past decade or so. The Asphalt Supplier of Performance Graded (PG) asphalt binder and emulsified asphalt Table 1 – Full-Depth Asphalt Pavement Table 2 – Asphalt with Aggregate Sub-Base Pavement. 450. Restrengthening of cra~ked pavement prior to overlaying: a. Heater-scarification b. Shingle Type: Architectural Shingles. The first part, or layer, of a driveway is called the subbase course. Many home and business owners have questions about asphalt paving specifications and how best to repair and maintain their asphalt. The contractor will ASTM D4869 / D4869M - 05(2011) - Standard Specification for Asphalt Saturated Organic Felt Underlayment Used in Steep Slope Roofing. Specifications for asphalt cement are located in Section 820 of the GDOT Specifications. https://pavementinteractive.org/.../site-preparation/construction Research Topics.

In our specifications database, you will find engine, weights, drive system hopper and service refill capacities specs of Caterpillar asphalt pavers. BASE DESIGNATIONS 19 MM Superpave 330-5.2 Asphalt Paver: 330-5.2.1 General: Provide a self-propelled asphalt paver that can be steered, and is equipped with a receiving and distribution hopper and a mechanical screed.

Asphalt Content Basis –Asphalt Used vs. Production Lot size = 1 day’s production of mix AC Used = AC on hand + AC delivered –AC remaining at day’s end Pay Factor out of Table 401.5.3-3 Section 9 - 43 0 l P AC D % AC x Hot Mix Asphalt Develops and maintains statewide Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) related policies, procedures and specifications for directing implementation of the statewide HMA mixtures program.

The report provides a history of materials and construction specifications and summarizes current knowledge in quality assurance. SuperPave™. Table 1 – Full-Depth Asphalt Pavement Table 2 – Asphalt with Aggregate Sub-Base Pavement.

18-0225. “Raps-Asphalt” is a plant based binder with bitumen, oa naturally occurring rg anicbyprduct oforg materials representinga totalweight of approximately 5-8% of the finishedproduct; this b indercontans natural rape seedoil which improves stability. POLICY It is the policy of the Department of Transportation to set standards for the NMDOT specifications include a wide range of asphalt mixes for a wide range of applications. The second layer, made of stone, is called the base course. and Mahoney, J.P. (2001). Specification Information. I. revise the specification to reflect ASTM standard specification, added full section on MPL Qualification Procedure, and; removed Class 9 and 10 (both are emulsion materials tested in Item 300 and not part of the MPL). Aggregate Subbase material shall conform to the requirements of Section 208 of the Specifications. Ensure that materials comply with the specifications listed in Table 1. Superpave Asphalt Binder PG 76-22 (ARB) Superpave Asphalt Binder PG 76-22 (PMA) Superpave Asphalt Binder PG 82-22 (PMA) 919 - Ground Tire Rubber. SuperPave Grading of Asphalt Binders In the 1990’s State DOT’s began to specify SHRP or Performance Grades of Asphalts. 10) 5-15-17; Add the following definition for Specialty Items: “Specialty Item.

Provides individual specifications from AC 150/5370-10, Standards for Specifying Construction of Airports, including construction standards for general provisions, earthwork, flexible base courses, rigid base courses, flexible surface courses, rigid pavement, fencing, drainage, turfing, lighting installation, pavement rejuvenation Item 301 Asphalt Concrete Base 145 Item 302 Asphalt Concrete Base 146 Item 304 Aggregate Base 149 Item 305 Portland Cement Concrete Base 152 Item 320 Rubblize And Roll 153. Anchor: #i1013899 Section 6: Hot-Mix Asphalt Pavement Mixtures Anchor: #i1013905 6.1 General. The MAG Standard Specifications and Details Committee, with assistance from five specialized working groups, considered 20 cases during the 2016 session. The Specifications of a Driveway.

Asphalt Paving Specifications. Asphalt concrete paving shall conform to III-C2-AR-4000 as listed in Section 400-4 of the Public Works Specifications “GREENBOOK.” 2.02 ASPHALT Asphalt shall be viscosity grade AR 4000 or AR 8000. CDOT 2017 SPECIFICATION BOOK. Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges . 401-1.1 This item shall consist of pavement courses composed of mineral aggregate and asphalt cement binder (asphalt binder) mixed in a central mixing plant and placed on a prepared course in accordance with these specifications and shall conform to the lines, grades, thicknesses, and typical cross-sections shown on the plans. Prime coat shall be applied at the rate of 0.25 gallons per square yard.

HQ Asphalt Laboratory: Joseph Kerstetter (615) 350-4173 ... Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction January 1, 2015 Subsection 101.03 (pg. Recommendations provided by the geo-technical engineer should be followed during construction. consistently meeting Specification requirements.

Tyler Lacy (615) 350-4123 .

Tex-538-C “Quality Monitoring for Rubber Asphalt Crack Sealers and Related Materials,” (Spec Committee No.

Use this specification for the acceptance of both hot mix and warm mix asphalt. Section 39, “Asphalt Concrete,” of the Standard Specifications provides material and construction requirements for hot mix asphalt (HMA) including Type A, rubberized hot mix asphalt-gap graded (RHMA-G), open-graded friction course (OGFC), minor HMA, and hot mix asphalt with warm mix asphalt (WMA) additive technology. Asphalt Density – The Definitive Guide.

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