The common denominator has been the perception that power, resources and control have for decades been unfairly distributed in the United Kingdom. This doesn’t mean ignoring political issues which divide us but discussing them in a social and amicable manner. At the end of last year, I suggested a New Year’s Resolution for the Welsh national movement – to spend less time arguing online and more time getting to know each other in the real world. The poll, for ITV-Cymru Wales and Cardiff University, had a sample of 1,021 Welsh adults aged 18+ and was carried out online by YouGov from 29 May to 1 June 2020. The first minister says the UK ‘is over’. That’s a 6 point increase from January, and a massive 11 point increase since December last year. In March, one poll put support for Welsh independence at a record level of 39% – on a par with Scotland’s yes campaign before the 2014 referendum. People just don’t listen to each other on Twitter – they spar. While sometimes entertaining, and handy as a source of breaking news, it is ultimately a medium that monotises anger and misunderstanding. No it isn’t really gaining any momentum outside of Twitter and the same 5000 socialist faces tramping around Caernarfon and Merthyr. Until last week, its support was falling while Plaid’s was on the rise. As the United Kingdom charts an unsteady course through the fallout from Covid, Brexit and renewed calls for a Scottish IndyRef2, devolved and local elections next month will offer vital clues to the direction of travel. That will not be anywhere near enough to force an independence referendum. The “drowning” of Capel Celyn – and the brutal truths it exposed about where power lay in 1960s Britain – led to the birth of modern Welsh nationalism. However, if you suggest that this is the case you’re accused of ignoring or turning a blind eye to an issue. is a fantastic place if you enjoy echo chambers and political niche bubbles This is unfortunately inherent to the medium. “Someone can be British and live in an independent Wales. The best way to come to change someone’s mind is what has been called the ‘truth sandwich’. Brexit, in a different way, did something analogous in England and much of Wales. Those on the right suggest it has been taken over by the KGB’s thought police. I thought Jac was pro-indy. Now, it’s personal. No, first as the marches and polls prove it’s gaining momentum across the whole of Wales and support for independence is growing. The quality of local services, job security, affordable housing which are the issues that affect people’s lives can be dealt with far better by an accountable, elected Welsh Government. It’s also true that because there are a large number of journalists, politicians, lobbyists, civil servants and others on Twitter, it can be a very effective tool for reaching those in the Welsh political bubble and changing their minds on independence. Mark Drakeford and his government have shown they can plough their own furrow. It has played a big and helpful part in allowing people who believed in Welsh independence to discover each other and work together. People are starting to say: ‘Why can’t we do more things our own way?’”. Twitter creates the impression that there is a gaping ravine at the heart of the movement on some issues when in fact there’s broad consensus other than one or two very loud people whose views are inevitably brought to the fore by endless angry replies and quote tweets. According to Carwyn Tywyn, a writer on Welsh nationalism and political commentator: “What you have is almost a buffet menu of choices opening up for people to kick the British government in Westminster or the Welsh Labour government in Cardiff. The danger of Welsh independence happening almost by default comes not through any great surge in support from the Welsh electorate, but through the outcome of next year’s Welsh Parliamentary elections, which, as things stand, will see a hard left Welsh Labour party favouring maximum devolution in coalition with Plaid Cymru, also of the hard left, committed to Welsh independence. Over 400 independent Congregational churches are affiliated to the Union of Welsh Independents. However, the first problem with Twitter is that it is exactly that – a political bubble. If the latest polls are to be believed, some 800,000 people now support Welsh independence. Not here in Penybont, we never see them. Twitter’s other problem is that a handful of politically extreme but noisy people create a very distorted impression of what mainstream views are within the movement. Plaid Cymru on the doorstep ? Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Twitter’s other problem is that a handful of politically extreme but noisy people create a very distorted impression of what mainstream views are within the movement. Welsh economic outcomes, as compared with those in other parts of the British state or the EU, whatever measure is used, can only be improved and equalised via independence. We’re not all rampant socialists. The polarisation of politics in Scotland will also have concentrated Labour minds. With the knowledge that Wales can do things its own way, comes a greater questioning of governance, of the status of Wales and the setup of the UK. I was referring Jacques Protic, a person who goes thru different profiles like an elephant goes thru peanuts. close. The real problem is that it’s completely useless as a means of changing anyone’s mind on anything. When it comes to running their own affairs, says ap Gwynfor, “the Welsh have been told so often they are too poor, too stupid and too small.” But events in Scotland and the high profile of the Welsh government during Covid has opened up a new sense of the possible. Scotland Nicola Sturgeon has said that she wants to stage another referendum on Scottish independence by 2023. Twitter or Trydar in Welsh ? Not perfect, but much better are Facebook groups, where the conversation is tempered by a comparative lack of anonymity and the fact that most of the branch members meet regularly and get on well with each other. First, you agree with some point that your political opponent has made. Steps one and three is missing. Top Stories. However in light of the increasing support for Scottish independence, campaigners for Welsh independence have been gaining renewed confidence in recent years. If you’re convinced it’s a troll, think of all the other people who have diagreed with your comments in the past and pick one of them. The fact that it is happening so close to the border, just a few miles away, is significant. Myself included. Having a decent… Read more ». If anyone with a different opinion is branded as a troll it just shows how far the indyWales movement has to go. Last month, Drakeford told parliament’s Welsh affairs committee that the United Kingdom “as it is, is over”. Myth #4: We’re stronger together! The contrast was exemplified in October, when a “circuit-breaker” lockdown was introduced in Wales as London dithered. I’ve never seen anyone ‘win’ an argument on Twitter. If YesCymru retreat from Twitter they are surrendering it to Unionist nationalists. More happiness is a winner. It reads simply: “Remember Tryweryn”. The grandson of the pioneering Gwynfor Evans, he was born into a nationalist tradition which has its heartland in the region. image copyright Getty Images. For our own good and the good of the movement, we need to come together offline and start to understand our different points of view and work towards a greater understanding. Second, your twitter account is new , with a handful of followers and your posts are anti-Welsh. We need to make sure that we have the right answers over an independent economy. They have the advantage of they only want to attack and belittle Wales and everything Welsh, with a nasty anti-Welsh streak, mostly claiming they are really Welsh. Facebook, in comparison, has its echo chambers but is far less of a bubble than Twitter. Enter your email address to receive instant notifications of new articles. This is sometimes sport but mostly exhausting. It’s easy to forget that behind the words on the screen and little profile picture is a real human being on whom our words have a real effect. That now just needs replicating everywhere else! What one sees on Twitter however is the same 10-20 people falling out ad nauseam. Dwyfor Meirionnydd is one of the poorest regions in Britain, says ap Gwynfor, but property prices, driven by the second-home market, are sky-high. Wales is a diverse nation – the Welsh Indy movement needs to reflect this if it’s to succeed. Both hope this election confirms their key role in Welsh … Twitter no doubt has its uses, particularly as a medium to follow the latest news on an issue. All Under One Banner Cymru's core aim is to march until Wales is free. YesCymru is supposed to be a cross-party movement but a quick look at the output of these accounts will show that they retweet a large amount of a) content nothing to do with independence b) party political content, c) content unrepresentative of the views of most members. It’s actually quite surprising as the street I live on has several Plaid signs out election time. I’m also a Welsh speaker and have a spinal injury which means I’m classed as disabled. That was a symbol of Wales as a small nation, punching above its weight.”. A mere six years ago, backing for the idea stood as low as 3%. Yesterday, after another round of falling out on Twitter, the always sensible and level-headed YesCymru chairman Siôn Jobbins was moved to say: “It may be a good idea for us to take a break from social media.”. Welsh nationalism (Welsh: Cenedlaetholdeb Cymreig) emphasises and celebrates the distinctiveness of Welsh language, culture, and history, and calls for more self-determination for Wales, which might include more devolved powers for the Senedd, or full independence from the United Kingdom But the Brexit-fuelled rise of the Welsh Conservatives, up 9% in the polls, is creating a three-way contest which could shift the dial of the country’s politics in unpredictable ways. A Sky poll last week pointed to a Labour rebound at Plaid’s expense, while general support for independence remained at historically high levels. In which case, wouldn’t such a person be known as ‘Jack’? When problematic views do exist in the mainstream, most people are simply ignorant of the issues and could be brought around over a cup of coffee. But you can believe in the above and still be gay and believe in an independent Wales. That would simply be preaching to the choir. So I have set up a Discord server to help foster civil debate and discussion regarding Welsh politics and the independence movement as a whole. Edwards, growing up a few miles away, went to the demonstrations and remembers the raw anger. Twitter’s other problem is that a handful of politically extreme but noisy people create a very distorted impression of what mainstream views are within the movement. That’s a 6 point increase from January, and a massive 11 point increase since December last year. Welsh Independence, occasionally referred to as ‘Wexit’, has been at the margins of Welsh politics during the first hundred years since the formation of Plaid Cymru in 1925. “Thirty years ago I think Wrexham saw itself as a bit of a border town. The pitch has obvious affinities with the Scottish National party’s presentation of a benign, inclusive patriotism, sitting on the centre-left of the political spectrum. I’d love to see an independent Wales, but the demographic reality of our country makes it impossible. It is a flawed way of discussing political issues. It requires a leader to bring everyone together someone with drive and charisma. If the latest polls are to be believed, some 800,000 people now support Welsh independence. The modern Welsh independence movement emerged during the mid … Marc Jones outside the Saith Seren community pub, which is also a Welsh language centre, in Wrexham. Those three I mentioned scream oppression and racism and diversity when the country they live in isn’t that diverse. Alternatively, she could be a genuine subscriber called Joanne Davies. No one is at fault for the above problems. They are are all problems inherent to the medium of Twitter. This month the rugby star, Ashton Hewitt, told a nationalist podcast: “There’s more reason to be Yes than No.” And to the surprise and delight of Edwards, the fate of Capel Celyn has become a symbol for a new generation. It’s probably Royston Jones or a Propel member out to wind sensible people up. There’s no room to include polite social behaviour. This article was amended on 28 April 2021 to clarify the timing when Elwyn Edwards attended demonstrations protesting the decision to flood Capel Celyn. Discussions simply come to an end because one person loses the will to continue, and probably their faith in humanity along the way. The dramatic implosion of Scottish Labour, which haemorrhaged Yes voters to the SNP and No voters to the Tories, is a cautionary tale. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Share. You must inhabit a parallel universe. The LibDems used to wipe the board here at all levels, but then they got into bed with the Tories, and now Labour wipes the board again, at all… Read more », Other than leafleting, street stalls, banners on bridges, organising events and rallies, cofiwch dryweryn murals and lots and lots of talking to people, no, no ‘organic work’ at all. Having finished a distant second in the last Senedd elections in 2016, the best Plaid can realistically hope for on 6 May is a few more berths in the 60-seat assembly (where it currently has 10 representatives). Wales’s journey may yet turn out to be the most surprising one of all. This makes them lower their defences and makes them more open to what you have to say. The juxtaposition between the joy of these social interactions and the hate on Twitter – often when interacting with the same people! It was the first in a … He is certain the zeitgeist is moving. You say you agree with ifan’s valuable points – but then induldge in the very online abuse of others he warns the national movement about. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. You can have an English identity and be a citizen of an independent Wales. This usually happens because the other side of the argument has called in reinforcements, who will pile in until the victim is exhausted. On Facebook, people follow their friends. But the extent to which Welsh Labour – overwhelmingly dominant since devolution – will reap the political rewards is uncertain. Wales is still in the foothills of its breakaway debate. Then you deliver your own POV that differs from their own, to which they will be more receptive, and then close by suggesting a possible compromise. Points the way to drawing up a Welsh Constitution and sets out a framework for a Self-Determination Bill to take the independence process forward. Next month’s Senedd elections will be a crucial, and complicated, test of the new mood. Welsh independence 'driven by young people' Published 20 September 2019. The average wages here are £21,000 a year. It is Yes Cymru/the current vocal rabble that seems to live on social media. These accounts are problematic in themselves because they tend to be run by one (often anonymous) individual, unvetted under the name of a ‘branch’. I’ve seen this to be the case on Nation.Cymru’s Facebook page – which drives three times more traffic than Twitter but also reaches different people all the time. “Support for independence is the strongest it’s ever been, with 33% of the people of Wales now saying that they would vote for Welsh independence if a referendum was held tomorrow. “Support for independence is the strongest it’s ever been, with 33% of the people of Wales now saying that they would vote for Welsh independence if a referendum was held tomorrow. In Wales, interest in independence simmers ahead of polls. And all that culture just went under the water. Revelations that the Welsh independence group YesCymru (YC) is only now to launch an investigation into alleged anti-Semitism, when a member had tweeted the phrase Arbeit Macht Frei (Work Sets You Free) which was emblazoned above the gates to Auschwitz months before, puts centre stage earlier controversies … Support for Welsh independence has grown in the last few years but the latest ITV Wales Welsh Political Barometer poll, carried out in January 2021, … What one sees on Twitter however is the same 10-20 people falling out ad nauseam. Jones is hopeful that the sense of frustration with the status quo that led Wrexham to vote overwhelmingly Leave in 2016, and Tory in 2019, may eventually channel itself in the direction of independence. The danger of Welsh independence happening almost by default comes not through any great surge in support from the Welsh electorate, but through the outcome of next year’s Welsh Parliamentary elections, which, as things stand, will see a hard left Welsh Labour party favouring maximum devolution in coalition with Plaid Cymru, also of the hard left, committed to Welsh independence. As Ifan says, we need to come together, not concentrate on microaggressions and extreme minoritarian issues that seek to divide us. There are 1001 different ways of defining minorities. It is rather, on my part at least, a conscious realisation that screaming at each other at social media won’t solve anything, and is much more likely to harden opinions and make things worse. Political analyst Laura McAllister says Welsh independence is a topic on all parties' radars. But there are living, breathing communities here, with rich traditions, which need to be respected, valued and helped to thrive.”. March for Independence Wrexham - POSTPONED Press Release. It’s a problem associated with the technology, and many studies have shown that even the mildest and most polite of us can sometimes find ourselves committing to the ether sentiments that we might not be so willing to express with some reflection, or when face to face… Read more », Twitter is a great medium to read others ideas of independence especially when they corslate with your own it reinforces your belief.. you are not alone, 1) Social media is not the platform of choice for the entire national movement, Ifan. A different institutional architecture was needed, he said, “reflecting a voluntary association of four nations”. I agree he’s a very likely candidate, assuming Joanne is indeed an alias. PS the likes of Nia Naseem, Yasmin Begun and Aled and Teifi enhance the Welsh national movement. Can’t we just cancel Nia Naseem, Yasmin Begun, and Aled and Teifi? In March, one poll put support for Welsh independence at a record level of 39% – on a par with Scotland’s yes campaign before the 2014 referendum. But, such divisiveness and nastiness could easily demoralise and derail the independence movement from within so to speak. Marc Jones is the founder of a flourishing community pub and Welsh language centre in the heart of the town. “During the Covid pandemic,” says ap Gwynfor, “people have started to realise there is a Welsh government that has real powers; that has control over health, education, agriculture. A statutory National Commission should provide the people of Wales with a clear understanding of the option for their political future – including through Citizens’ Assemblies and an initial referendum to test a range of constitutional options. It lacks the potential to be a source of growth and creativity. Some polls now suggest support for Welsh independence could be anything between 16% and 32% – numbers that had previously been unheard of. The overwhelming majority communicate primarily through the medium of the Welsh language. This is only the start of the problems with Twitter, however. It is sheer poison. AUOB Cymru. The authority for moving to hold one will depend on pro-independence parties winning a majority in the Holyrood election. Okay, Yes Cymru have given a big boost to Indy language centre in the United Kingdom Scottish independence 2023... Injury which means I ’ d love to see an independent Wales, according to a prosperous and. M also a Welsh assembly gained political currency, becoming a reality they don ’ t we just cancel Naseem. S like a very finely poised chess match. ” gaining any momentum outside of Twitter peril as PM speaks... A Self-Determination Bill to take the independence process forward poll by YouGov s useless. 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