Eva Leipprand ist vollkommen hingerissen. His works include. Troilus and Criseyde is written in rhyme royal stanzas of seven lines rhyming ababbcc.. CHAUCER: TROILUS AND CRISEYDE 1 1 1-5: "Before I part from you ( the audience) my purpose is to tell the double sorrow of Troilus, son of Priam, King o f Troy:- how his fortunes in love went from sorrow to joy and then out of joy." Nachdem Sie Produktseiten oder Suchergebnisse angesehen haben, finden Sie hier eine einfache Möglichkeit, diese Seiten wiederzufinden. It was composed using rime royale and probably completed during the mid 1380s. Chaucer’s great poem Troilus and Criseyde: perfect reading while under siege from a virus A secret affair. 6. 257: It is not a translation or modernization, except insofar as every edition modernizes, for example, by adding phrase and sentence punctuation and quotation marks. Despite the various subdivisions within the narrative (for example its proems, songs, letters, prayers, and apostrophes), Chaucer doesn’t vary the form of his stanzas as a French dit amoureux might for inset lyrics but keeps to this stanza throughout. Troilus and Criseyde is Chaucer's masterpiece and was prized for centuries as his supreme achievement. The writing style in Book 3 changes to reflect the change in the direction of events. From Benoît de Sainte-Maure, Le Roman de Troie (1160) From Giovanni Boccaccio, Il Filostrato (1335–40) Robert Henryson, The Testament of Cresseid (1532) Die Geschichte von Beowulf und seinen Taten, Die tragische Liebesgeschichte von Lancelot und Ginover. Den Höhepunkt seines Schaffens bedeuten die unvollendeten Canterbury Tales, entstanden 1387-1400 (Erstdruck um 1478, deutsch 1827). Brought together by Criseyde's uncle, Pandarus, the lovers are then forced apart by the events of war, which test their oaths of fidelity and trust to the limits. Troilus is faithful to his promise of love until his death, while Criseyde’s feelings change dramatically.Chaucer uses moon imagery to foreshadow the fact that Criseyde’s heart will indeed change. Es liegen 0 Rezensionen und 0 Bewertungen aus Deutschland vor, Ihre zuletzt angesehenen Artikel und besonderen Empfehlungen. Book II - Love Encouraged . Chaucer starb 1400 in London. Now let us leave off Troilus for a throw, who rides away, and let us turn fast to Cressida, who hung her head full low, where she sat alone, and began to cast Many scholars believe 'Troilus and Criseyde' to be Chaucer's finest work. "Vergnüglicher kann mittelenglische Lektüre dem heutigen Leser wohl kaum nahegebracht werden", lobt Leipprand. Troilus and Criseyde. Within the poem, Fortune is viewed as the traditional symbol of a wheel. Criseyde is Troilus’ lover but her character is much more complex than this role alone. 875 `Lo, nece, I trowe ye han herd al how The king, with othere lordes, for the beste, Hath mad eschaunge of Antenor and yow, That cause is of this sorwe and this unreste. Many Chaucer scholars regard it … … Zugelassene Drittanbieter verwenden diese Tools auch in Verbindung mit der Anzeige von Werbung durch uns. Troilus confides in Criseyde regarding his fears and hopes for the future. Hatten Sie in den letzten Tagen keine Troilus and Criseyde is Chaucer's masterpiece and was prized for centuries as his supreme achievement. About the origin of Troilus and Criseyde: The story of Troilus and Criseyde was first told, in interwoven episodes, in a long French poem of the mid-twelfth century, the Roman de Troieof by Benoît de Sainte-Maure.The historical event underlying this poem was the Trojan war recorded by Homer in his Iliad.Benoît's main sources were classical prose accounts in Latin. Todestag des Dichters - das "wunderbar durchkomponierte Kammerspiel" in kompletter Übersetzung im Deutschen vor. This manufactured nature of courtly love is also present in “Parliament of Fowls,” where Chaucer … Chaucer’s language in this text is rich and ornate, and the poem is written in a rhyming stanza whose... Reading aloud. Außerdem analysiert es Rezensionen, um die Vertrauenswürdigkeit zu überprüfen. Unterstützen per Book I - Troilus's Love . in Troilus’s trouble, as you’ll later hear, that love bring them solace in heaven: and also, for me, pray to God so dear that I might have the power to make clear such pain and woe as Love’s folk endure in Troilus’s unhappiest adventure. Zeit, die Zeitung zu lesen oder bei uns vorbeizuschauen? How old are the protagonists of Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde?We have to make assumptions because we are never told, and indeed Chaucer explicitly disclaims knowledge of Criseyde’s age (TC, v, 826).Such an ostentatious disclaimer itself invites speculation; but we may also ask ourselves, if the poet disclaims knowledge, can we properly seek it in his poem? The story of how Troilus and Criseyde discover love and how she abandons him for Diomede after her departure from Troy is dramatically presented in all its comedy and tragic pathos. September 2010. It was composed using rime royale and probably completed during the … Troilus and Criseyde Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1343 - 1400) Troilus and Criseyde is a poem by Geoffrey Chaucer which re-tells in Middle English the tragic story of the lovers Troilus and Criseyde set against a backdrop of war in the Siege of Troy. Troilus and Criseyde, adapted from a love story by Boccaccio, is one of his greatest poems apart from The Canterbury Tales. Um die Gesamtbewertung der Sterne und die prozentuale Aufschlüsselung nach Sternen zu berechnen, verwenden wir keinen einfachen Durchschnitt. Zehn Jahre später hatte der 1948 in Paduli/Italien geborene Künstler erneut…, Aus dem Englischen von Rita Seuß und Sonja Schumacher. Criseyde’s own uncle, in reference to the wavering woman’s heart, says that “keeping is as hard as winning [it]” (book3.verse234). Book V - The Betrayal . Geoffrey Chaucer, er wurde vermutlich 1340 geboren und starb 1400, hält sie "unbestritten" für den größten englischen Dichter vor Shakespeare - sowieso. Sei's drum. Chaucer's longest complete poem is the supreme evocation of doomed courtly love in medieval English literature. Geben Sie es weiter, tauschen Sie es ein, © 1998-2021, Amazon.com, Inc. oder Tochtergesellschaften, Entdecken Sie Geoffrey Chaucer bei Amazon, Troilus and Criseyde (Classics) (English Edition), Übersetzen Sie alle Bewertungen auf Deutsch, Lieferung verfolgen oder Bestellung anzeigen, Recycling (einschließlich Entsorgung von Elektro- & Elektronikaltgeräten). den Literaturbeilagen von FAZ, FR, NZZ, SZ, taz und Zeit. Abhängig von der Lieferadresse kann die USt. Swinging London, 1968. Die Liebe zwischen dem schüchternen trojanischen Prinzen Troilus und der schönen Criseyde ist der Stoff, aus dem Geoffrey Chaucer Ende des 14. Wählen Sie die Kategorie aus, in der Sie suchen möchten. Criseyde also, right in the same wyse, Of Troilus gan in hire herte shette His worthynesse, his lust, his dedes wise, His gentilesse, and how she with hym mette, Thonkyng Love he so wel hire bisette, [5] Desiryng eft to han hire herte deere In swich a plit, she dorste make hym cheere. Troilus and Criseyde by Geoffrey Chaucer is widely regarded as one of his more influential works, alongside The Canterbury Tales. Nevill Coghill, the brilliant translator of my Penguins Classics edition, considers it to be "the most beautiful long poem in the English language". The tragedy of Troilus and Criseyde is one of the greatest narrative poems in English literature. Wolfgang Obst und Florian Schleburg, Sprachwissenschaftler aus Augsburg und Regensburg, haben nach Ansicht der Rezensentin genau den richtigen Ton getroffen. to help poor Troilus in his woe. Leider ist ein Problem beim Speichern Ihrer Cookie-Einstellungen aufgetreten. zuletzt aktualisiert 08.05.2021, 14.13 Uhr. And so bifel, whan comen was the tyme. Set during the tenth year of the siege of Troy, the poem relates how Troilus - with the help of Criseyde's wily uncle Pandarus - persuades her to become his lover, only to be betrayed when she is handed over to the Greek camp and yields to Diomede. From Benoît de Sainte-Maure, Le Roman de Troie (1160) From Giovanni Boccaccio, Il Filostrato (1335–40) Robert Henryson, The Testament of Cresseid (1532) so then began to groan Troilus to his brother and his sister, to pretend. Troilus and Criseyde is written in Rhyme Royal. Pandare, o … Sie hören eine Hörprobe des Audible Hörbuch-Downloads. This version aims to provide a readable and accessible modernisation of the poem while preserving Chaucer's rhymes and diction wherever possible, at the same time eliminating all archaic words which would require marginal notes to explain. Within the poem, Fortune is viewed as the traditional symbol of a wheel. Finden Sie alle Bücher, Informationen zum Autor, The Canterbury Tales (Penguin Clothbound Classics), Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: With Pearl and Sir Orfeo, A Choice of Anglo-Saxon Verse (Faber Poetry), Beowulf: A Verse Translation (Penguin Classics), The Riverside Chaucer: Reissued with a new foreword by Christopher Cannon, Geoffrey Chaucer was born in London in about 1342, and is known as 'the father of English Literature'. Unser Zahlungssicherheitssystem verschlüsselt Ihre Daten während der Übertragung. In Book 3 it seems especially as if she is equally smitten as … The Fall of Troy Coming soon from Hollow Myths. Prosalancelot I und II, Das Nibelungenlied. Und in was für einer! Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung anzuzeigen, einschließlich interessenbezogener Werbung. The poem is also presented in parallel with its principal source, Boccaccio's "Filostrato", enabling the reader to compare the two poems in charting the evolution and achievement of Chaucer's "Troilus". One of the masterpieces of medieval literature, this is also a very humanist work, focusing on the theme of human love, however ecstatic and transcendant. Pandarus, Troilus’s fellow friend and uncle of his lover Criseyde, noticed Troilus’s alters in mood and discovered his love for Criseyde. Schon 1984 schuf Mimmo Paladino vier großformatige Linolschnitte zu Ulysses von James Joyce. Nevill Coghill, the brilliant translator of my Penguins Classics edition, considers it to be "the most beautiful long poem in the English language". He rose in royal employment to become a knight of the shire for Kent and a justice of the peace, and was well-read in several languages and on many topics, such as astronomy, medicine, physics and alchemy. Troilus and Criseyde. Troilus, think-ing she is dead, is about to slay himself with a sword, when Criseyde recovers. My object is to provide an online edition of Troilus and Criseyde which is both editorially responsible and accessible to present-day readers, including students. Troilus and Criseyde study guide contains a biography of Geoffrey Chaucer, literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Pandare, o … Troilus and Criseyde, tragic verse romance by Geoffrey Chaucer, composed in the 1380s and considered by some critics to be his finest work.The plot of this 8,239-line poem was taken largely from Giovanni Boccaccio’s Il filostrato.It recounts the love story of Troilus, son of the Trojan king Priam, and Criseyde, widowed daughter of the deserter priest Calchas. Geoffrey Chaucer’s most significant literary accomplishment may well be Troilus and Criseyde, a single, profoundly philosophical narrative of a tragic love affair.Set in ancient Troy and telling the story of the rise and fall, in love and war, of prince Troilus, Troilus and Criseyde is an archetypal medieval romance. The story of how Troilus and Criseyde discover love and how she abandons him for Diomede after her departure from Troy is dramatically presented in all its comedy and tragic pathos. Aufzeichnungen aus meiner Hütte. The lovely Criseyde, with whom Troilus falls madly in love, is the epitome of frivolity and inconstancy, in her actions as well as her thoughts. In Troilus and Criseyde, the entire courtly love relationship between Criseyde and Troilus is orchestrated by the manipulative Pandarus, who defies almost every tenant in French scholar Andreas Capellanus’ late twelfth century text “A Treatise on Courtly Love,” a courtly love doctrine. Cupid's Arrow 4. C. A. Owen MP 67 69 Mimetic form in central love scene R. G. Cook JEGP 69 70 Ch's Pandarus & med. Chaucer takes his story from Boccaccio's Il Filostrato, adapting its eight books to five and changing the characters of Criseyde and Pandarus. Macht Set during the siege of Troy, it tells how the young knight Troilus, son of King Priam, falls in love with Criseyde, a beautiful widow. from Troilus and Criseyde: Book I By Geoffrey Chaucer (excerpt) From Book I. Troilus and Criseyde. Troilus and Criseyde is a poem by Geoffrey Chaucer which re-tells in Middle English the tragic story of the lovers Troilus and Criseyde set against a backdrop of war in the Siege of Troy. The story of how Troilus and Criseyde discover love and how she abandons him for Diomede after her departure from Troy is dramatically presented in all its comedy and tragic pathos. Chaucer died in London on October 25, 1400. Cressida is forced to leave Troy to join her father in the Greek camp. Kann tatsächlich ein anderer als Charles Darwin der Urheber der Evolutionstheorie sein? Set during the tenth year of the siege of Troy, the poem relates how Troilus - with the help of Criseyde's wily uncle Pandarus - persuades her to become his lover, only to be betrayed when she is handed over to the Greek camp and yields to Diomede. Set during the Trojan war, Chaucer's great narrative poem in seven-line stanzas tells the tragic (though also, at times, comic) love story of the knight Troilus, son of Priam, and his unfaithful lover Criseyde, brought together by her uncle Pandarus. Troilus and Criseyde is Chaucer's masterpiece and was prized for centuries as his supreme achievement. Juni 2016, Love this story fell in love with Chaucer has a great way of putting things together, Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 9. Troilus and Cressida is a play by William Shakespeare that was first published in 1602. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org Title: Troilus and Criseyde Author: Geoffrey Chaucer Release Date: July … from Troilus and Criseyde: Book I By Geoffrey Chaucer About this Poet Geoffrey Chaucer was born between the years 1340-1345, the son of John and Agnes (de Copton) Chaucer. Longer, more complicated sentences begin to combine several clauses. Chaucer was descended from two generations of wealthy vintners who had everything but a title and in 1357 Chaucer began pursuing a position at court. Nun liegt erstmalig - rechtzeitig zum 600. After Criseyde's departure, he becomes a Petrarchan whose language reflects a full understanding both of love's woe and of its value. The plot of this 8,239-line poem was taken largely from Giovanni Boccaccio ’s Il filostrato. CHAUCER: TROILUS AND CRISEYDE 1 1 1-5: "Before I part from you ( the audience) my purpose is to tell the double sorrow of Troilus, son of Priam, King o f Troy:- how his fortunes in love went from sorrow to joy and then out of joy." Dell'Agli: Aufruhr im Zwischenreich, Monotheismus-Debatte 99. Pandarus 6. Als Ned Gudgeon mit schwerem Kopf in einer Gefängniszelle erwacht, hat er die vergangenen zwei Jahre seines Lebens fast vergessen und weiß auch…, Mit einem Nachwort von Bernd Küster. Book I Book II Book III Book IV Book V; Glossarial Index of Characters in Troilus and Criseyde Glossary. Chaucer's longest complete poem, in 8,239 lines of rhyme‐royal probably written in the second half of the 1380s. 1 The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen, 1 The double sorrow of Troilus for to tell. At Troy during the Trojan War Troilus and Cressida begin a love affair. Aber erst seine "Ritterromanze" über den edlen Troilus und die schöne Criseyde - Criseyde dürfte vielen eher als Cressida bekannt sein - hat die Rezensentin richtig berauscht. Tear-Stained Letters 7. Troilus and Criseyde An interlinear translation. Zwar sehr gewagt, aber ausgesprochen gelungen hätten die beiden Wissenschaftler Chaucers überaus intelligentes und vergnüglich-ironisches Werk zu übersetzen vermocht. She is initially reluctant to embark on the relationship with Troilus, and intelligently considers the effects an affair will have on the freedom she currently has as a widow. The copy of Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde in CCCC MS 61 was made c. 1415-25, long after the poet's death in 1400. Criseyde, like Troilus, reacts only in sorrow. Chaucer's longest complete poem, in 8,239 lines of rhyme‐royal probably written in the second half of the 1380s. Wir geben Ihre Zahlungsdaten nicht an Dritte weiter und verkaufen Ihre Daten nicht an Dritte. Wählen Sie ein Land/eine Region für Ihren Einkauf. Pandarus, overjoyed by the news, decided to take action by introducing them to one another and to the beginning of a sorrowful adventure. nach Themen, Ländern, Epochen, Erscheinungsjahren oder Stichwörtern. Appendix A: The Story of Troilus and Criseyde. But how this cas doth Troilus moleste, 880 That may non erthely mannes tonge seye; For verray wo his wit is al aweye. In Prosa übertragen von Uwe Johnson und Manfred Bierwisch. Troilus and Criseyde, tragic verse romance by Geoffrey Chaucer, composed in the 1380s and considered by some critics to be his finest work. And also pray for those that have despaired Nun liegt erstmalig - rechtzeitig zum 600. Nacherzählt von Gretel und Wolfgang Hecht, Perlentaucher-Debatte Enrapturing Beauty 5. Published in 1385, Troilus and Criseyde is Geoffrey Chaucer's poem in rhyme royal (rime royale) re-telling the tragic love story of Troilus, a Trojan prince, and Criseyde. (Englisch) Taschenbuch – 25. Troilus and Criseyde . About the story of Troilus and Criseyde: The story is about the Trojan prince Troilus, son of Priamus who is king of Troy, who falls in love with a lady called Criseyde. Frederica Potter wirft ihren Job an der Kunsthochschule hin und macht, fast durch Zufall, Karriere als…, Aus dem Englischen von Rita Seuß und Thomas Wollermann. Stattdessen betrachtet unser System Faktoren wie die Aktualität einer Rezension und ob der Rezensent den Artikel bei Amazon gekauft hat. Die Aufzeichnungen eines Jugendfreundes des berühmten Forschers…, Aus dem Englischen von Christel Dormagen. The moon is frequently found in Chaucer’s poem, and most often in a context that parallels Criseyde’s decision. Criseyde answers that like him she feels both happiness and fear for their future together. And truth to tell she was not a foe to Troilus either, at his nativity, God knows, and all the quicker prospered he. Dankbarkeit und Zuneigung, aber nicht Liebe, empfindet Joseph Blackstone gegenüber seiner Frau Harriet, denn sie hat ihm das Leben gerettet. Summary Read a Plot Overview of the entire play or a scene by scene Summary and Analysis. Set during the Trojan war, Chaucer's great narrative poem in seven-line stanzas tells the tragic (though also, at times, comic) love story of the knight Troilus, son of Priam, and his unfaithful lover Criseyde, brought together by her uncle Pandarus. USt. Many Chaucer scholars regard this as his best work, even including the better known but incomplete Canterbury Tales. Aber erst seine "Ritterromanze" über den edlen Troilus und die schöne Criseyde - Criseyde dürfte vielen eher als Cressida bekannt sein - hat die Rezensentin richtig berauscht. Januar 2018, Eine Person fand diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 24. The Fall of Troilus 8. Chaucer wrote this poem in rime royal, a unique stanza form introduced in his works. Quick Reference. It also served as the basis … Many scholars believe 'Troilus and Criseyde' to be Chaucer's finest work. Hinzufügen war nicht erfolgreich. Rime royal consists of seven-line stanzas written in iambic pentameter and has been employed by poets such as William Shakespeare and William Wordsworth. In Troilus and Criseyde, to which we now come, Chaucer had entirely passed his apprentice stage; indeed, it may be said that, in certain lines, he never went further, though he found new lines and carried on others which here are only seen in their beginning. Die Rezensentin sieht darüber hinweg und ist sich sicher, dass auch Chaucer seine wahre Freude an dieser Ausgabe gehabt hätte. Aus dem Englischen von Gisbert Haefs. Irgendetwas lief falsch, als Bertie Wooster der jungen und so romantischen Madeline Bassett im Namen seines schüchternen Molchfreundes Gussie Fink-Nottle einen…, Aus dem Englischen von Brigitte Heinrich, Andrea Stumpf und Melanie Walz. sechs Erscheinungstage nach Zeitung oder Themen sortiert abfragen. Yet slowly she opens her heart to Troilus and begins to admire his noble qualities. Wenn Sie nicht alle Cookies akzeptieren möchten oder mehr darüber erfahren wollen, wie wir Cookies verwenden, klicken Sie auf "Cookie-Einstellungen anpassen". C. A. Gioffi JEGP 87 88 Criseyde's love-oaths, are they lying-songs? R. A. Shoaf, ed. September 2003, Brilliant poem but make sure you have the edition you're looking for, Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 10. Troilus and Criseyde. Book I Book II Book III Book IV Book V; Glossarial Index of Characters in Troilus and Criseyde Glossary. All unsere Notizen zu den Buchkritiken in He uses phrases such as “change of the moon” (3.79), and “bent was the moon” … Cri-seyde falls into a swoon. Eindrucksvoll…, 6 Bände in Kassette. He makes arrangements for Troilus and Criseyde to meet secretly under Deiphebus's roof. Troilus and Criseyde is a poem by Geoffrey Chaucer which re-tells in Middle English the tragic story of the lovers Troilus and Criseyde set against a backdrop of war in the Siege of Troy. Der sorgfältige Umgang mit Ihren persönlichen Informationen ist uns sehr wichtig. Auch wenn ihnen an wenigen Stellen vor lauter Spaß und Freude mit manch sehr neumodischen Begriffen der Gaul durchgegangen sei, meint Leipprand. Troilus and Criseyde by Chaucerian Myth, released 27 January 2017 1. seine Dichtung, in der die englische Literatur des Mittelalters gipfelt, beginnt mit Nachahmungen französischer Allegorien; verwertet später in selbständiger Weise italienische Anregungen. 2 That was the kyng Priamus sone of Troye, That was the son of king Priamus of Troy, 3 In lovynge, how his aventures fellen. Jahrhunderts den ersten englischen Roman gemacht hat: eine turbulente, witzige, groteske Liebesgeschichte. A time of love and prosperity follows, which ends when the Greeks capture the Trojan warrior Antenor. Despite the various subdivisions within the narrative (for example its proems, songs, letters, prayers, and apostrophes), Chaucer doesn’t vary the form of his stanzas as a French dit amoureux might for inset lyrics but keeps to this stanza throughout. Troilus and Criseyde become more vulnerable to the demands of emotion, and love becomes more of a shaping influence in their lives. Troilus and Criseydewas written between 1381 and 1386. Durchsuchen Sie unsere Bücherdatenbank Jedes Kind kennt Siegfrieds Tarnkappe und seine Haut aus Drachenblut, das Schwert Balmung, den Schatz…, Japan im zwölften Jahrhundert. It was composed using rime royale and probably completed during the mid 1380s. My object is to provide an online edition of Troilus and Criseyde which is both editorially responsible and accessible to present-day readers, including students. This edition presents all of the surviving manuscripts, together with textual apparatus and commentary. The poet cultivates the impression that he is … The poem was written at some time before 1385. an der Kasse variieren. Therefore, Troilus and Criseyde explores not only the effects of tragedy in love but the cause of both the fortune and misfortune that is bestowed upon the characters. The poet cultivates the impression that he is … 3 In loving, how his adventures befell. She too anticipates an early death and thinks of the sorrow she will endure until that end. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. As the relationship solidifies, Pandarus visits the home of Troilus's brother Deiphebus. Wiederholen Sie die Anforderung später noch einmal. Er besiegt…, Herausgegeben, kommentiert und übersetzt ins Neuhochdeutsche von Hans-Hugo Steinhoff. Chaucer: Troilus and Criseyde Book I. Überweisung/Paypal, Sarah Kirsch, Christa Wolf: Wir haben uns wirklich an allerhand gewöhnt. 30. Troilus and Criseyde is written in rhyme royal stanzas of seven lines rhyming ababbcc.. Etwas ist schiefgegangen. Abstract. https://www.gradesaver.com/troilus-and-criseyde/study-guide/summary Appendix A: The Story of Troilus and Criseyde. An interlinear translation. Troilus and Criseyde has a centuries' old backstory.Long before Renaissance dramas or realist novels, Chaucer wrote a love story set in a besieged city that was a deep psychological exploration of character and human relationships. 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