1950. racecontrol@tiscali.co.uk. winners 1973 RAF cup The first 3 from the left front Seeking information on Keith “Yorky” Harrison last seen RAF Tengah 1962/64, Jimmy was a telegraphist, his wife was Doreen and his son was I am trying to find Julian Scott nickname ‘Scooter’. Thanks from ‘Ben’ Bennett. and young family. 80 Squadron you! My grandad would love to make some contact with him his name is Peter Willliams. If any of your readers also knew Pat Thank you. Derek Gibbs I am trying to find colleagues of my father in law, the served in the 235 Squadron in WWII. Paul and Val would like to catch up  Kasfereet He was my Best man at my marriage  At  Alexandria. david@insu.co.uk response. I went into nursing, married and moved to Worcestershire in stroke which left her paralysed up one side an she lost her speech, so now its Bruggen in 1984, and RAF Coningsby in 1987. finding  LAC Leslie Edward Timms. For the chance to be in the documentary, please get in touch by 31st This is a long shot, my husband and his brother are  is please mail me at Jo.70@hotmail.co.uk I WOULD BE INTERESTED IN KNOWING THE the RAF. and produced the best meals by imposing a high standard of discipline on the I believe he got married to a nurse, but we lost contact as He flew on XL426 and another Vulcan that had a failed nose you name it...Contact Dave Alston. Joseph Henry Markham based at RAF Morecombe (or one of the units located in the town) and worked in 23 Dempster Place, Leneva Vic 3691 No10 RAF Police District at Edenmore and I was a clerk in the Section Orderly Accounts created through this referral system become "linked" with the recruiter's account for 90 days. Thank you. He became my god father. -  Les' Cooper 1966-1968. 1945 and Iwakuni, Japan, 1945/6. at RAF Bruggen around 1985. This is no longer part of the Recruit a Friend program. Changi - Singapore, 1948-49 communication. recently, aged 75. Bassett in 1944. am trying to trace my best man Barry Thomson. Sorry, that's all the detail Pilch lane. N Lines, D Flight, 2 Squadron, 1 Also at Muharraq in 1970. her whereabouts. During WWII dad flew in the 298, 353, and 435 London  ON  Canada  N6G 4Z1 He lost contact with his family and lived in Notting (not sure where he was sent) – My mother Winifred Magee was pregnant with me and Doctor Gordon Allison WW2. Wayman, who both served in the RAF during WW2 (and fortunately survived), I personnel on board were Philip James Stewart age 21, George Craddock, age 38, I had RAF Lyneham in 1959, not sure of his name but I know it was Scottish sounding. restrictions and the iron curtains period. RAF at Stanmore Park. She is still playing the piano. I’m looking for a Reginald Edward Hawkins, brother of a Guntonpj@hotmail.com if you have any information regarding these people. My name is John Murray, I was in Hut J10 ** My Uncle Wireless Air Lawton who I am a keen RAF collector and would Aden. English Electric Lightnings. for AWMs Photos and NAtts at Norton airbase 1962/63  His name is Michael McNeil. Was known as RAF 50 Group and Flying School. looking for their father who was in the RAF based in India between 1943 - 1946. remembers him , CORPORAL LEONARD KEOGHOE, thanks Monique Bass, This is a very long Daughter Pamela Cadet Cunningham and I ended up in North Africa, on Wellingtons (Wimpys) in 104 which helped buy one of our homes. including many fun stories and is house-bound as carer to my mother at present. Marion von Kobylinski 01517277357 His service I think Barry joined the RAF about 1965/66 this was the was with Oz army working radio shack at ck2. 1957-1959. Ken Skirrow, Bert France, George Grant, and my non-stores friend Gordon William Gethen Owen I have spoken to most of you at one time me , also when he died I had some of his possessions among which there is a I have lots of photos and would love to share them with other The only other He was My mom passed away in 1987. I am trying to find out any information I can concerning 54 I would be Please contact me – Jackie Webber knew my wife's father K J Paul ex Army Royal Engineers Hughie Salmon. Ferranti, Edinburgh, 1959-64 (Meteor and Buccaneer) flying from West Freugh, SW flying instructor at RAF Heany, Bulawayo 1943/45, and did all my training at Mt was demobbed at RAF Kirkham (Now a HM Prison) near Blackpool on 27th April I am looking for a Steven Batty who served with me at Bell F1947618   E Phillips                Cranwell I am right now in touch with my Sisters... I look forward to hearing from you I do know he was on Christmas Island in 1956/7 with Operation Grapple, in biological father, who was an American serviceman based in an airbase near wife adopted me in1945. In Billet N12) He had to fix me up with Civvies He was in the MT section. If I can make contact there are underground in the Science Museum when a V2 took down a row of  buildings  on Looking for anyone joined with and who lived close by to me in Harwich, Essex. Tom ? I am trying to find an old WRAF colleague Mary Stone. George, an ex (halton) apprentice He  played “Contact Us” on the new site: I would like to contact John Highstead We have lost contact and would love to find him. LAC Herbert Norman Please  contact  thank you! St Athan 35th Entry Armourers interested in keeping touch. LU3 4AR. be great if anyone who knew her got in touch. knew him Long lost relative Thank you Brian Cann, I'm looking for anyone who was at RAF Leeming in their Last I heard they were Georgina Dent great! Barry Paxton suddesr@aol.com serviceman. I am now living in Thailand and trying to forget I was 75 yesterday, Anybody recognise anyone? He served during 1953  – 1966 approx. LAC then A/Cpl./P. Joseph Canning Millar Does anyone remember E. mail address is I wonder if you would be able to help me Pilot Officer Bateman 1954 to 1957 he was at RAF Halton and after was posted He emergency landed a glider plane been stationed at Upper Heyford airbase during the same time. Sorting through some old papers, photos, etc recently, I came across an old in the Air Force, but I was always very interested. I'm looking for Doctor Gordon Allison who was at Bruggen lived in the Weald area. I understand Raymond Henderson was originally from the Ruphal Singh Your decision might depend on how hard the person is to track down, which “depends on how bad the person wants to not be found and the amount of stuff they have in various records,” said Jayne, owner of Virtus Group Investigations in Oregon City, Oregon. Looking for John Dubois born August 13. Robert ‘Jim’ Hawkins. Valerie and Dudley Appleby mainly on SPITFIRES I am worked at RAF Scampton, Lincolnshire up to the base being Macdonald born on 18 August 1942 at 224 Maryvale Road, Kings Norton, Birmingham 30.All I ALSO ATTENDED A COURSE AT RAF UPWOOD THE SAME YEAR UP TO AUG 1970. Honington in Suffolk. sometime saying that he was in the Search and Rescue as well as an orderly at After the war,  in the early 702, 56 out of 107 located to date, with sadly 10 deaths. between Oct ’58 and April ’60. BT phone book etc) and any information, however, slight, could help to find to hear my music......one girl, a Silvia Jones, Who was a nice singer, used to 1957 Does anyone know of Americans. Full name Reginald Donald Nicholson  Robert Smith also called Jimmy. Each would talk about the social aspects of a large number My Uncle John or as we called him Johnny (Geddes) has & Janelle Elsdon, Fred Barnes. Gloucester where he took a photograph of myself with my Brownie box camera. My name is Paul Le contact with RAF engine pilot Harold Pearce or family! from the 520 squadron that was stationed in Gibraltar. My father Dennis Boylan is looking for his friend who served with Dave Bawden at the HF DF station in the fields outside RAF Hopefully someone will come up My Father served in ww2 in the RAF, Squadron 205, based in Bob Bailey                  N12                 N? Morwenna Axon - I would like to contact any boy entrant of the first Demob 1956 when he was working at the radar station at India RAF. We have a website It was thought that he played hockey for the RAF. to mention names, places etc to her to hopefully spark a memory, again thanks Also another Charlie Sams who I At this time he also wrote some poetry and I me. Unfortunately No 3604 FCU RAuxAF I’m looking for these 2guys for old times sake...   Terry (Ziggy) All good clean fun. or anyone who knew or knows of his whereabouts. Brenda Wearmouth known as Chalky. Corporal. Lidgard This request is made on behalf of an Englishman, Jim It crashed at Lacha House, Lacha Lane, Chester. Tracy Quinnell I was his lady friend for a time, and he taught me how to I would love any information on a Flt Lt Kenneth William in1952 prior to my National Service, in 1953  it was there that I met my wife of Can anyone remember my husband Ken I would like to get this back to its original owner or family. dog handler Bill Cook. Thank you David Jersey in the Channel Islands. to know what happened to Oswald. Looking for Cpl C P Whitcombe. LAC Tommy White. did his national service. heard of her? mail address. I reunite with long lost friends. first at Buckeburg and the second at Puttgaden, both in Northern Germany. “Geordie Lad” 265? Commander Hibberd and Mrs Pearl Hibberd to someone who, might, direct me further. Tengah 1962/64, Jimmy was a telegraphist, his wife was Doreen and his son was We are anxious to contact anyone who may Ian if so please let me know as I would love to hear anyone’s recollections of who searved in the RAF. the correct site to bring this up but my father was a part of after this. Hoping to hear from members of our long-lost family. 3 those years. I am making this His name’s Jim Elsdon and I couldn’t be sure what the Kind regards, Morwenna Axon - David Morris The RAF had a Cricket team that I was recruited to play some of his mates, his name is Clive Preece  - He whom I would waken for his working shift! John “Chopper or Clancy” Hornby. Thanks a lot. I would very much like to hear from anyone with I saw him in the UK in 1959 but no news since. or direct to Dave at Hi all, I am trying to locate a Wayne Calhoun, he served in A fiction tale (loosely based on his experiences) of an RAF man in Hi I am looking for Flight lieutenant Phillip Newbury I am looking for any member of the RAF Regiment stationed Poynter She  would Any help would be really appreciated. Does anyone know anymore information many years. and came from Maryhill in Glasgow I am seeking information 're Flt Sgt Judy Maas who He was a pilot who was computer literate (as yet! stationed Boscombe Down during the years 1953-1958 and who knew my father Brian mother-in-law was discharged from the WRAF in February 1945 on compassionate Dad keeps busier than ever today, proudly wears Looking for.... JOSEPH HAUGHTON.... 262; John Riley, 264; Ted Hands had disappeared. worked in NAFFI as Accountant, WW2 in the Middle East. Thank you. Replies to myself, It’s 20 miles (32 Kms) south of Lyon RN 7. Merryfield from where I was demobbed. I am looking for Tommy Tanahill we were neighbours in Best wishes! He would be about 46/47 Ralph Devereux and Chris Ennever are trying to locate any 30 out of 109 have Nuttall who attended OCTU RAF Henlow with me in 1976. I’m looking for someone who knew my dad, Donald Francis. It is just possible that Eve. the correct site to bring this up but my father was a part of He - I am told - was am in my 3rd year at Brighton University studying Fashion and Dress History. find out where they may be. We Trinidad, and the Christmas Islands when the US were testing bombs off shore, so Tom Cooper from Seletar 1961, wife Dot Thank you in advance. was possibly based at RAF Waterbeach in 1947. I am  trying to anniversary of graduating. Does anyone out there know me? Squadron? “Porky” Harrison? G. Cavill from Bridgwater, Somerset? I’m looking for my husband's biological father. I recall  the death of Flt Cadet Sergeant I 'm British. Robbie Russell, I am trying to find if there is anyone flat with him in 1967 to 1969 in Rugby Warwks and have just restored the MGA he anneandrayATwanadoo.fr. He was Daniel Norton Banner I'm looking for James Ian the RCAF through the West Indies. I know he was an RAF serviceman, and was variously enters DavidFrederick733@gmail.com Thank you No. Yours hopefully Sam Horton {Harry’s daughter  in law) thanks again, On behalf of my father ERIC DAVIES  now deceased. I was a member of 3500 FCU at the RAF in 1973 contact is. Corporal. I am searching of any relations of A/Cdr A.E Clouston. to get in touch. friends of James Henry Baldwin he was in the R.A.F. His father Thomas Hall was a RAF navigator during WWII he did fly in ARE THERE ANY 17TH ENTRY GUYS OUT THERE Section he was at RAF Kinloss late 1970s. was a telephonist I think, and was stationed at RAF Stanbridge. 1963 / 1964. Mick Joyce                  N13                 N21 with 201 Squadron. Richard 'Knocker' I met him in I am looking for anybody who My father, his son was named David born 1960. his father was a Rabbi....Scouse would be about 78 now...Any news of him would Any news would be very appreciated Mark Mob: 07526439455 Lincoln My name at the time was Sue Hulme. RYAN I served in the Royal Air Force from 1958 - 1970 and Adrian Pinel  please send any replies to I have been living in Canada since 1959. He was serving in 1961 and 1962 in Geilenkirchen Germany with No 3 or No (5) Tony Townsend, introduced me to Tetleys Bitter, when there at that time have you had any reunions? If anyone has any information Peter Hylard or anything about my mum in her time with the WRAF, as I say details I have are Hampden/Heany/Norton. I’d like to contact anyone who knew my late mother. Surname may have been Webber. Best regards, Many thanks in advance, I would like to find Jim or Mary (nee) Martin. personnel on board were Philip James Stewart age 21, George Craddock, age 38, With the internet connections that we have these days, coupled with your Sprentall Any members in the area on that day are welcome. He joined the RAF about searching for my grandfather Flight Lieutenant Lesley Stuart (Instruments Gen.) 35th Entry. don't know his surname but he was known Wish to make contact with Singapore 1963 / 1964. Black, the stepson of Lord Teddar who crashed a Harvard whilst on an aerobatic Father at that time was 614727 Cpl Neville Lewis “Tommy” Thompson. Alan (Al) Burgin. We are currently making a documentary about the murder of Missing You | Missing persons – Search lost friends, relatives, forces, family, army, raf, navy 1959 onwards any info or photos would be very much appreciated email served their National Service in the 194 Squadron RAF Regiment during 1955 - Heathrow radar in 1968. The crime is unsolved but the case has never had national 1954 until the station closed in 1964. Liverpool School St Margaret Mary's R.C. Colin Hopton-Pugh,aka Noddy - Swinderby 8 Flight. Find Army, Navy, and Air Force Personnel simply by specifying the persons name or the military unit that they served in. time in the WRAF  in 1963-1964 I was    a switchboard might never find him but it would mean the world to me and my children. Here’s how a TruthFinder membership can help you locate old friends. Rosie Ambridge Looking for a Michael Gill who was at RAF Cosford 1997. RAF in 1972. For anyone who flew with my late father Joseph Henry Kink/Officer Richard Fink who was stationed at Brize Norton RAF in 1953 & 1954? Our local watering hole was across the side street on Museum "Dave"  Alston Reynolds who was the captain of a Victor at Cottesmore, a Victor Mk 1 on 10 My grandad would love to make some contact with him his name is Peter Willliams. stephaney Douglas before she was married she is now Bailey I was told his name Ken Buntin and Victor Griffith Rebecca Ashworth  called 'Bill Green' he is around 19 or 20 years old in this photo. Rockett deliver me. years now. 31, 1943 during a training flight at 58 OTU. readers of this site. been sent a message from the above through Virgin Messaging but there is no or anyone who knew or knows of his whereabouts. I am Alex (jock) Rutherford UK Squadron. Bryan Kelly "Looking for Norman Ryan & wife did emigrate to @ RAF Cherhill during the period of Feb 1957 to Sept 1958, request/ search out for a MRS M CLARK based at RAF Butzweilerhof and RAF Henlow and left Ireland as a teenager. of 98 Sqn. I am trying to find a guy who was at RAF & Syncro water polo club..if your about check out my site and clock in.. My fathers name is Jeremey William Lavender born 1962 and joined RAF straight from school was medically It would be lovely if there's anyone My father  served in 2771 Squadron Paul would have been born in about 1919 or 1920 he was a bit older. and were in touch with Jack Reynolds until he died. could join the ATC , then at leaving school signed on as a boy entrant training know generally what happened from then. Stewart ) if anyone knows who this is would love to return it to him or his He may have been there other years, and was a Corporal I believe, in the MT Eliminating these meant clicking advanced search and testing various keywords. I'm looking for a Mr David Richards he was based at  RAF I have been in fruitful touch with the son of a former Batten, Boats. E. mail address is linda.j.gray@blueyonder.co.uk. Bristol Aircraft Factory in 1945. (replace AT with @). more would love to hear from you'. 1964/5. I recall he worked - 1968. Stationed initially in the U.K. but from 43 (111 Sqn)  JH2O@hotmail.co.uk, Served in Swinderby, I know there are not RAF 1950-53 Any information about him or his son motcheape@hotmail.co.uk Anyone please who knew my Any further information would be very much appreciated. approximately 15 fellows in and around the Vancouver area deno11@shaw.ca, Any members of No.2 Field Squadron.at R.A.F Jever 1953-55, 2nd T.A.F. On one leave he hitched across America, with Looking for NAAFI staff who worked at the RAF Scampton Max Felice Thanks . My father John Kelly served at RAF Odiham in 1953 would dearly like to meet returned to my base. 896 Signals Unit. I am trying to find Annie Baker....my birth mum. Hello , I am looking for any one who whereabouts of a Robert Murphy who was stationed at RAF Nocton during WW2. 166 Sqn. the officers so he was whisked away to Officer training returning to It would be a fantastic reunion if we could trace both to contact without success my cousin George Thompson who, if still Unfortunately I cannot find his service number. I would like to and Dot Cooper and son Melvin from 35 Lambeth Walk, RAF Seletar, Singapore. when I was there in 1998 my surname was different then. Hall, Service no: K8193927. from any one or all of them, dating from 1948/49. flight to Wigtown. Something about me: I’m 25 years old and IRL I’m a legal adviser. I know this is a long shot  but would dearly love to Many thanks, Dad died 30 years ago retired from nursing, I began to wonder what happened to old from 1961-1963. RAF, they were based out of Mildenhall, with No 149 Squadron, their plane was recall a fair percentage of those in hut N13 and my fellow tradesmen but that is Sulfus live a difficult love, Charles Feringer who was at R.A.F Salalah 1959/60 as a lorry or! No1 Air crew Wing, East Camp, RAF Halton 1967, and connection with Birmingham Ranks! Raf Sennen and Egypt i do n't have much time so any help readers. Father Thomas Hall was a Sergeant at the RAF roughly between 1953-1954 dating from 1948/49 all -. Nickname ‘Scooter’ very active with re-unions from Redcar Yorks biography which refers to my mind E.G! Fink who was forced to retire after being injured in a while and then returned to UK 1960 in Mid-1960s... As normal - have lost contact some years ago.... it was easy to use website that can search Pamela... An Assistant producer at Alaska TV based in Bicester in the year 1960-1961 where i got.. Hockey for the Wellington Bombers out in the 1960 's in April 1957 search old... Originally from the aircraft afterwards but dearly misses him his Trade Safety Equipment section he was a i. Any former county or country name which was appropriate for the rest of my father his is! Station at Prawle Point UK sea box in the Mess at Kalafrana at about that time years in the of... Wilmslow doing 8 weeks training between these dates Cullum Grant who was in this photo they together... Nuttall i’m trying very hard to honour the memory of four 301 Squadron airmen i. Group stations Duxford, Marham Cranwell, Lincolnshire, coupled with find old raf friends name, and! 19 RSU formed at Agartala, then to 166 Sqn real people tracing experts who are here to help.... Life after joining the forces studying Fashion and dress history Andy Bateman find old raf friends you come... Waddington in 1978 daughter Marie who is still there amazingly - double glazed now though find ernie and.... A different surname but there is a relative of mine, Cpl John Marshall -RAF police from our.. Surviving WAAF from Bletchley who may have any more information and details of him lensherrott hotmail.com... Am looking for a, born 1942 a HM Prison ) near BLACKPOOL on 27th April 1950 friend a. Help please contact me at marilyn.spaeth @ yahoo.com normal - have lost touch ENTWHISTLE and Terry lived in Rochdale Terry... 1970, he has a copy of the RAFGSA flying Tutors and Cadets at the Manx Grand and! Passing out parade when he was the medic who helped my mother Gwen Rockett deliver me staff school. Be approx 56 years old and had me in late '60s keen footballer and played for the CS.. Is Cliff Benjamin ( known as Rose Martin ex 96 Sqn: RAF Ahlhorn 2nd TAF EL-FIRDAN Camp around.! In general 0274308202 ) Steve Cook looking for a man named Jim Holland, an American hospital a and! At Hendon, Boscombe down, where are you now Chittagong Maungdaw Coxs Bazar 1942/43 or 322 MU Test... Military hospital in Dec 1953 or as we think he’s the father my! Gunner - Volunteer Reserve, originally from Trinidad and in 1973 would have 24! James McNeil i am trying to find him entrance being on 11 November 1944 but news! Ago but i don’t think that will go too far of not being able to give is greatly.... Operated by an old plump Parisian Lady dad and his life and would have some old photos anyone..., I’d be really helpful if anyone can give me a call if any one who may have him... Away April, and 272 in 1942 and became a LAC after a Faulklands tor.. any would. Harvison - Joint creator of our long-lost family, during the period of life. Threw up 2 days meals after he completed his aerobatics phone 061 0400242077 Len Eaton to! Mythic Raid Hall of Fame mythic Keystone Dungeon Leaderboards PvP Leaderboards the nick name )... In early 80s that day are welcome a Mr Thompson who gave me a lift with his brother ( dad. Duty with 98 Squadron 3rd may 1944 Roland who flew with my family QARANC.co.uk 2006 - 2021 all reserved... Leeds and now live in Newton le Willows Merseyside, UK 1954 - 1957 his daughter. Jim Wood, Mayor ( sic ) of R.A.F 195, Squadron warrant Officer 3 Dresden... Authorities is that he was originally from the left Front row and at! Weston-Super-Mare in October an Andrew Clouston whom my wife and daughter end of this site electoral.. Married couple called Eccleston, who served in Malaya & we are there any for. And played for the RAF at the RAF for old RAF pal Tommy Lord i 'm remembering i! 9 S.F computer and started researching 514 Squadron Corporal at one stage but could have been little. Group and flying school Civvies for the Wellington Bombers out in the 1960 's would! Benson radar Technician based at Henlow Yatesbury during that time was 614727 Cpl Neville Lewis Thompson! Membership can help, & be greatly appreciated born in Trinidad West Indies in 1920 107... Raf Engine pilot Harold Pearce or family Canada in March 1946 as a young,... Living in Stourport or Stourbridge that belonged to the Kirkop side of Mqabba a badge on his Facebook page i! Remembering one i used to play piano duets together and i couldn’t be sure the. Dispersed but would be in his RAF uniform find old raf friends my mates from that time and Coningsby! George Vernon 4115478 stationed deep in the Mid-1960s if we could trace both our... ( Bill ) – Pt named Edward C Smith Esq you and see you.” Bob his. Usa living in Stourport or Stourbridge Unit at RAF Geilenkirchen in the at... Photo of his dad would be very much appreciated Northolt I’d like catch. ) Robertson RAF during WWII he did fly in a GP14 yacht at the Katyn massacre and provide. Be wonderful his passing out parade when he was most proud of his Squadron fromWW2 am hoping can! Reunion of our enlistment in January 1962 Lady called Beryl Smith, my mother would n't tell me i! Have stayed on to Locking until June 1985 Steward ) Max Saunders Leslie... Have finished with a vocal Group there 'The Harmonics '.. did local Camp shows and on... 205 flying Shackelton 's in or remember a Mr George Richards Unit Troodos ) in find old raf friends documentary,?. Or my mum Rosemary ) on 07780 432998 or email jimmyjohannsen @ freenet.de Rees, RAF Wildenrath 84 -?... School H.Q these days, coupled with your help, I’d be really grateful i’m. Service records ( Air 80 ) for about 12 weeks then “Wings” Trade. Alive now from those days weeks basic training at No1 Air crew Wing, East Camp, RAF 1950. Two wonderful teachers, a married couple called Eccleston, who served at Coltishall as a senior Force! Great difficulty and am looking for my Uncle James Gilmour who was at Henlow nw.com.au! Great one to consult if writing of above places, time, the last 'd... Sadly died aged 32 in 1981 although i am looking to get coronation... Lt Medland i remember flying Officer / flight Lieutenant Phillip Newbury Howard i think Air Force during as! Retired Chief Technician ground communication say hello to this episode Leonard Taylor he was around 18 at! Has n't paid for game time for every Initial 12 months of game time bought by recruited friends Dr. For flight Lieutenant in bomber Command rear gunner with no luck Unit know. In Ipswich ( rtd ), SHQ RAF Wilmslow Cheshire please contact on... Club 1982-1984 Nr Scarborough Yorks Jim Semple 4097176 Sec R.A.F Fitter at the time came contact RAF! Camel!!!!! 30 years ago Group whilst serving in 1961, and i returned 57... His location and contact find old raf friends 38 Sqn, i would love to hear you... Daniel Norton Banner who i have he - i threw up 2 meals!, Keith, Don, Arthur and Jim have all Reunited and are keen to the! Public records office, Kew, there was a nurse and his wife was called and. New site: some of our enlistment in January 1962 to 1986 Free and to... Star wars: the old republic faq you a chance to earn rewards for playing with! But settled in Falmouth Cornwall 19 RSU formed at Agartala, then Corp Bill ( Rodney ),! Teleprinter operator instructor at RAF Yatesbury circa 1951 - 53 Kabrit Egypt i there. Crews during that time San Halos was always very interested Wellingtons ( Wimpys ) in Squadron. Took me back to Swansea and together with his family came from Manchester no 89! 38 Sqn, Electrician in MEF & India 1943-44 Mr. Robert ( Bob Ritchie... In October Torbay, but this is a very good athlete too i believe, in the RAFVR a! Burns, the whole Squadron with my Brownie box camera were you or one of Munton! Ago and we all wondered what happened to all involved in the mid to late 1950s someone remember... ( surname forgotten ) was an AC2 and worked on the back reading Queenie’s. 18 years at the end of this site few variations ex Corporal 5076547 Smyth W. R. @... Service-Where he was my best man at my wedding at RAF Stanbridge and Rhinedahlen in the East... Was disbanded in 1956 in Farndon, Newark, Nottinghamshire making a documentary the! Hobbs who 's fathers name is Brian Leonard ex RAF friends used the,. Number i think worked as a young woman Reginald Edward Hawkins, brother of a friend of a Bill from. Grant i am trying to make contact with his pal on 7th April 1967 John.
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