[62], In 1825, President Adams set off a partisan realignment by putting forward an ambitious domestic program, based on Clay's American System, that included a vast network of federally-funded infrastructure projects. [44] He argued that the Constitution's Contract Clause prohibited the legislature from altering the college's board of trustees. [117] Webster served as a prominent campaign surrogate for Harrison in the 1840 election, although he disliked the party's new, popular style of campaigning that made use of songs and slogans like "Tippecanoe and Tyler too. [41] He played an important role in eight of the most celebrated constitutional cases decided by the Court between 1814 and 1824. He also said he would increase the protection of personal rights and encourage financial responsibility in the federal government. [121] As Tyler, a former Democrat, had long been skeptical of the need for a national bank, Webster urged Whig congressmen to back a compromise bill put forward by Secretary of the Treasury Thomas Ewing which would have re-established the national bank but restricted its branching power. Dark-complexioned “little Black Dan,” a rather frail boy, became the pet of his parents and older brothers and sisters, some of whom taught him to read at an early age. He became a leading attorney before the Supreme Court of the United States, winning cases such as Dartmouth College v. Woodward, McCulloch v. Maryland, and Gibbons v. Ogden. By taking a name rooted in American and British history, the Whigs implicitly criticized Jackson as a tyrannical executive. Clerking for Gore—who was involved in international, national, and state politics—he learned about many legal and political subjects and met numerous New England politicians. He was a famous attorney, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives and then the U.S. Senate. Ebenezer had three children from a previous marriage who survived to maturity, as well as five children from his marriage to Abigail; Webster was the second-youngest of the eight siblings. Against conscription he took an extreme states-rights position, even hinting at nullification of federal laws when he said the state governments had a solemn duty to “interpose between their citizens and arbitrary power.”. [61] Along with Clay, he helped rally members of the House around Adams, and Adams was elected on the first ballot of the contingent election. In all, Daniel Webster is honored on 14 different US postage issues, more than most U.S. "[208], Webster retains his high prestige in some recent historiography. As secretary of state, Webster negotiated the Webster–Ashburton Treaty, which settled border disputes with Britain. [196] Webster's younger son, Edward, died of typhoid fever in January 1848 while serving in the Mexican-American War. [27], By May 1813, when he arrived in the House of Representatives for the first time, the United States had seen numerous setbacks in the War of 1812. Shortly after taking office, Fillmore dismissed Taylor's Cabinet appointees, named Webster as his secretary of state,[d] and came out in favor of Clay's compromise. Rather than uniting behind one presidential candidate, Whig leaders settled on a strategy of running multiple candidates in order to force a contingent election in the House of Representatives. States' rights Democratic-Republicans, including Senator Martin Van Buren and Vice President John C. Calhoun, strongly opposed the program and rallied around Jackson. Daniel Webster: “The Gospel of Jesus Christ a Divine Reality” In the spring of 1852, Webster fell from his carriage and never entirely recovered. [209] In 1959, the Senate named Webster, Clay, Calhoun, Robert M. La Follette, and Robert A. Taft as the five greatest senators in history. Webster is the major character in a fictional short story, The Devil and Daniel Webster, by Stephen Vincent Benét. merely human production. Answer. [154] In a speech that became known as the "Seventh of March" speech, Webster attacked Northerners and Southerners alike for stirring up tensions over slavery. [40], Though Congress was dominated by Democratic-Republicans, Chief Justice John Marshall ensured that the Federalist ideology retained a presence in the courts. Webster and his Whig allies blamed Jackson's policies, including the Specie Circular, for the panic, but a worldwide economic downturn was a major contributing factor. "[citation needed] In Profiles in Courage, John F. Kennedy called Webster's defense of the Compromise of 1850, despite the risk to his presidential ambitions and the denunciations he faced from the north, one of the "greatest acts of courageous principle" in the history of the Senate. [103] Meanwhile, the 1835 Democratic National Convention nominated Van Buren, Jackson's preferred successor, for president. Congress rejected the compromise and instead passed Clay's bill, which was subsequently vetoed by Tyler. ", Bartlett, Irving H. "Daniel Webster as a Symbolic Hero. Discovering Biography. Hometown: Salisbury, New Hampshire. [97] The Whig Party proved more durable than the National Republican Party and, along with the Democrats, the Whigs became one of the two major parties of the Second Party System, which would extend into the 1850s. Under the Constitution, the House can select from the top three electoral vote winners in a contingent election for president. [137], Webster considered retiring from public office after the 1844 election, but he accepted election to the United States Senate in early 1845. You must extinguish, one after another, all those greater lights of science which for more than a century have thrown their radiance over our land. [138] Webster sought to block the adoption of Polk's domestic policies, but Congress, controlled by Democrats, reduced tariff rates through the Walker tariff and re-established the Independent Treasury system. After President Fillmore brought Webster back as Secretary of State in 1850, Webster dedicated significant attention to domestic affairs such as the Compromise of 1850 and the Fugitive Slave Law. Hülseman the Austrian Chargé to the United States). With the rise of textile mills, Massachusetts had acquired a large and powerful manufacturing interest, and Webster voted for the Tariff of 1828. He reasoned that such a stimulus to manufacturers was both unconstitutional and inexpedient, for Congress had been given the power to levy duties only for raising revenue, and the growth of factories would create a propertyless working class that would threaten society. Although I have great respect for some other forms of worship, I believe the Congregational mode, on the whole, to be preferable to any other. [3] He was particularly close to his older brother, Ezekiel, who was born in 1780. [101] Webster's chances also suffered from his lingering association with the Federalist Party, his close relationship with elite politicians and businessmen, and his lack of appeal among the broad populace; Remini writes that the American public "admired and revered him but did not love or trust him. When Webster informed Tyler that he would not resign, Tyler responded, "give me your hand on that, and now I will say to you that Henry Clay is a doomed man. Unlike Jackson and Clay, he was not a member of a. Webster's service in the Fillmore administration made him the first individual to serve as secretary of state under three different presidents. . Clay was formally nominated by the National Republicans in December 1831, while Jackson was nominated for a second term in 1832. His legislative package included the admission of California as a free state, the cession by Texas of some of its northern and western territorial claims in return for debt relief, the establishment of New Mexico and Utah territories, a ban on the importation of slaves into the District of Columbia for sale, and a more stringent fugitive slave law. Rather than backing down, the Fillmore administration secured the release of exiled Hungarian leader Lajos Kossuth from the Ottoman Empire and gave a banquet in Kossuth's honor. [88] He strongly supported Jackson's proposed Force Bill, which would authorize the president to use force against states that attempted to obstruct federal law. [160] On behalf of the president, Webster drafted a special message to Congress calling for an end to the crisis over the territories, and he used the power of patronage to woo potential supporters. After graduation he taught school and read law, going to Boston and studying in the office of a prominent lawyer. Seven counties or parishes are named for Webster. Occupation: The greatest lawyer on earth. In 1837, Webster was elected as a member to the American Philosophical Society.[2]. The debates between Daniel Webster of Massachusetts and Robert Hayne of South Carolina gave fateful utterance to the differing understandings of the nature of the American Union that had come to predominate in the North and the South, respectively, by 1830. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Gale, 2003. In 1827, now a senator from Massachusetts, Webster started for Washington with his wife, but she died on the way. [76] Three months after he delivered the Second Reply to Hayne, Calhoun openly broke with President Jackson when, in response to Jackson's toast of "Our Union, it be preserved," Calhoun replied, "The Union: Next to our liberty, the most dear. [170] Perry was successful in his mission, as Japan agreed to open trade relations with the 1854 Convention of Kanagawa. [108] While Whigs promoted the American System as the means for economic recovery, Van Buren's response to the panic focused on the practice of "strict economy and frugality. Webster's decision to vote for the censure resolution caused a permanent break with Jackson. Then and thereafter, as a leading protectionist, he refuted his former arguments against the tariff. [13] In order to help support his brother Ezekiel's study at Dartmouth, Webster temporarily resigned from the law office to work as a schoolteacher at Fryeburg Academy in Maine. "While he was brave and true and wise in 1833," said Lodge, "in 1850 he was not only inconsistent, but that he erred deeply in policy and statesmanship" in his advocacy of a policy that "made war inevitable by encouraging slave-holders to believe that they could always obtain anything they wanted by a sufficient show of violence. Some Anti-Masonic leaders attempted to recruit him[b] to run for the presidency, but he ultimately declined to run for fear of alienating Clay and other National Republicans. In many of these—particularly in Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819) and Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)—the Supreme Court handed down decisions based largely on his arguments. He is … [177] Fillmore was sympathetic to the ambitions of his secretary of state, but he was unwilling to completely rule out accepting the party's 1852 nomination, as he feared doing so would allow his rival, William Seward, to gain control of the party. [145] On the first ballot of the 1848 Whig National Convention Webster finished a distant fourth behind Taylor, Clay, and General Winfield Scott. Sir, your eyes and mine are never destined to see that miracle. [8] He was chosen Fourth of July orator in Hanover, the college town, in 1800, and in his speech appears the substance of the political principles for the development of which he became famous. So Daniel Webster Jones in his early years seemed an unlikely person to join the Church, spend forty years proselyting among the American Indians, and with little formal training in Spanish help make the first Spanish translation from the Book of Mormon. What are personal consequences...in comparison with the good or evil that may befall a great country in a crisis like this?...Let the consequences be what they will.... No man can suffer too much, and no man can fall too soon, if he suffer or if he fall in defense of the liberties and constitution of his country. [33] In the tariff debate, he occupied a middle ground; he favored using tariff rates to protect domestic manufacturing, but did not want tariff rates to be so high that they would harm his home state's trading concerns. [74] On January 27, Webster delivered his response, titled the Second Reply to Hayne. Hayne resigned from the Senate to become the governor of South Carolina, while Calhoun took Hayne's former seat in the Senate. He had such dark-toned skin and fierce eyebrows, with his thick black hair, that soon his nickname was “Black Dan.” The ninth of 10 children, he was considered “frail,” and his parents and older siblings made a fuss over him, teaching him to read very early. WORK & EDUCATION. [48] His performance at the convention furthered his reputation. Baker, Thomas E. "Dartmouth College v. [186], In 1808, Webster married Grace Fletcher, a schoolteacher and the daughter of a New Hampshire clergyman. [130] With Webster gone, Tyler turned his attention to the annexation of the Republic of Texas. To support their lifelong beliefs in smaller government and balanced budgets, I am sure that all Republicans will send their checks back to the U.S. Treasury to help pay the trillions of debt incurred by their president. [99] With Clay showing no indication of making another run, Webster hoped to become the main Whig candidate in the 1836 election, but General William Henry Harrison and Senator Hugh Lawson White retained strong support in the West and the South, respectively. ", Brauer, Kinley J. He won election to the United States Senate in 1827 and worked with Henry Clay to build the National Republican Party in support of Adams. [167][168] At stops, he would get down and speechify. A man of prodigious talent and great political ambition, Webster reversed himself on issues involving the economy and Slavery in hopes of becoming president. Fillmore appointed Webster not only for his national stature and pro-Compromise position, but also for his experience in foreign affairs, and Fillmore relied on Webster to guide his administration's foreign policy. [195] Fletcher died at the 1862 Second Battle of Bull Run while serving as a colonel in the Union army. [89] After a spirited debate between himself and Calhoun, Congress passed the Force Bill in February 1833. "[206] Similarly, Arthur Schlesinger cites Webster's letter requesting retainers for fighting for the national bank, one of his most inveterate causes; he then asks how Webster could "expect the American people to follow him through hell or high water when he would not lead unless someone made up a purse for him? As one of the most prominent American lawyers of the 19th century, he argued over 200 cases before the U.S. Supreme Court between 1814 and his death in 1852. He opposed it with a vengeance. Please select which sections you would like to print: While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. [92] Jackson's decision to remove government deposits from the national bank in late 1833 ended any possibility of a Webster-Jackson alliance and helped to solidify partisan lines. ", Brown, Thomas. Daniel Webster's "Seventh of March" speech urged Senators from all regions of the nation to compromise their positions in order to save the Union. In the 1836 election, Van Buren won a majority of the popular and electoral vote, Harrison finished a distant second, and White carried two Southern states. And while Webster gained great fame for his Supreme Court arguments, Baxter said most of his court work was outside Washington. "[55] [192], Webster and his family lived in Portsmouth until 1816 when they relocated to Boston. [56] He also continued his legal work, though his government service required him to rely more on his law partners. Lucifer descending from Heaven! Student Resource Center. [127] Senator Thomas Hart Benton led Senate opposition to the treaty, arguing that it "needlessly and shamelessly" relinquished American territory, but few others joined Benton in voting against the treaty, and it won ratification. [53] In another speech, he attacked the bill imposing the Tariff of 1824, arguing that high tariff rates unfairly benefited manufacturing to the detriment of agriculture and commerce. [11], After graduating from Dartmouth, he apprenticed under Salisbury lawyer Thomas W. [176], Encouraged by Fillmore's professed lack of desire to pursue the Whig nomination in the 1852 United States presidential election, Webster launched another campaign for the presidency in 1851. ", Nathans, Sydney. Taylor ultimately won the presidential nomination on the convention's third ballot, while Millard Fillmore of New York was selected as the party's vice presidential nominee. ", Foster, Herbert D. "Webster's Seventh of March Speech and the Secession Movement, 1850. Webster returned to the Senate in 1845 and resumed his status as a leading congressional Whig. The Unitarian Universalist Church, citing Unitarianism in America from 1902, claim him as their own. Despite having previously stated that he would not support Taylor in the 1848 presidential campaign, Webster threw his backing behind Taylor. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Scott had supported the Compromise of 1850, but his association with Seward made him unacceptable to Southern Whigs. [23] In 1812, the United States declared war against Britain, beginning the War of 1812. They remained married until Webster's death, and she lived until 1882. ", Shewmaker, Kenneth E. "Forging the 'Great Chain': Daniel Webster and the Origins of American Foreign Policy toward East Asia and the Pacific, 1841–1852. There was in Webster's lifetime the first talk of secession and that was on his home turf of New England and advocated by prominent members of his Federalist Party. As it happened, he was a good person to do all of these things. Soon after the Fillmore administration delivered the special message, Congress passed Douglas's legislative package, which became known as the Compromise of 1850. [108] With the help of Nicholas Biddle and other friendly bankers, Webster had gone into debt to engage in land speculation on a broad scale. After Andrew Jackson defeated Adams in the 1828 presidential election, Webster became a leading opponent of Jackson's domestic policies. June 16, 2006. [131] Clay was nominated for president at the 1844 Whig National Convention,[132] while the Democrats spurned both Tyler and former President Van Buren in favor of James K. Polk, a protege of Andrew Jackson. Facts On File, Inc. World History Online. "The Seventh of March Address: A Mediating Influence. "Daniel Webster and the Whig Theory of Economic Growth: 1828–1848. Webster's main platform in the 2010 election was a call for smaller, streamlined government, spending cuts, budget roll backs, and tax cuts. lingering glance rather behold the gorgeous ensign of the republic... not a stripe [21], During this time the ongoing Napoleonic Wars began to more strongly affect Americans, as Britain attacked American shipping and impressed American sailors. The whole history of man proves it. [17] He became increasingly involved in politics and began to speak locally in support of Federalist causes and candidates. [65], In 1827, the Massachusetts legislature elected him to the United States Senate. In arguing these and other cases—which had the effect of enlarging the authority of the federal government while encouraging corporate enterprise—Webster appears to have forgotten his recent states-rights arguments in opposition to the War of 1812. [95], In the aftermath of the battle over the national bank, Jackson's political opponents coalesced into the Whig Party. Be the first to answer! [a] Webster had remained neutral prior to the election, but he supported Adams in the contingent election, in large part because he viewed Jackson as completely unqualified to be president and Crawford had suffered a major stroke. "[112] Webster attacked Van Buren's proposals to address the economic crisis, including the establishment of an Independent Treasury system,[113] and he helped arrange for the rescinding of the Specie Circular. Thus, Jackson, Adams, and Crawford were eligible to be selected, while Clay was not. ", Fields, Wayne. Daniel Webster Christian Quotes and Sayings (Showing 1-16 of 27) First12Last If God and His Word are not known and received, the devil and his works will gain the ascendency; if the evangelical volume does not reach every hamlet, the pages of a corrupt and licentious literature will. [129] As Tyler moved even farther away from Whig positions and began preparing a campaign for the Democratic nomination in the 1844 United States presidential election, Webster left office in May 1843. [87] Shortly after the 1832 presidential election, a South Carolina convention passed a resolution declaring the Tariff of 1832 to be "null, void, and no law" in South Carolina, marking the start of the Nullification Crisis. [109] His debt was exacerbated by his propensity for lavishly furnishing his estate and giving away money with "reckless generosity and heedless profusion," in addition to indulging the smaller-scale "passions and appetites" of gambling and alcohol. In Congress he resisted the passage of practically all war measures, including a conscription bill, which was voted down. [161], Due to a prosperous economy and various other trends, few Whigs pushed for a revival of the national bank and other long-standing party policies during the Fillmore administration, and the Compromise of 1850 became the central political issue. Early on he argued that humility before God and honoring justice would require men to oppose slavery. Former Solicitor General Seth P. Waxman writes that "in the realm of advocacy, Webster doesn't merely sit in the Pantheon: He is Zeus himself. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Webster’s response also does not address footage in the ad of Webster saying, “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husband,” and “She should submit to me – that’s in the Bible.” I understand that the country is angry at the state of our economy, but that can't justify Republican candidates like Daniel Webster. His second wife was less inclined than the first to restrain her husband’s propensities for high living and careless spending. [94] As the national bank's charter was due to expire in 1836, before the end of Jackson's term, he attempted to save the national bank through a compromise measure, but Democrats rejected his proposal. [175] An expedition led by Narciso López precipitated a diplomatic crisis with Spain, but Fillmore, Webster, and the Spanish government worked out a series of face-saving measures that prevented an outbreak of hostilities from occurring. Many of the administration's prosecutions or attempts to return slaves ended badly for the government, as in the case of Shadrach Minkins. [193] In 1831, Webster purchased a 150-acre estate (now known as the Thomas–Webster Estate) in Marshfield, Massachusetts. [46] With the Federalists fading away as a national party, the period of Monroe's presidency came to be known as the "Era of Good Feelings" due to the lack of partisan conflict. [144] As Taylor held unclear political positions and had never been publicly affiliated with the Whig Party, Clay and Webster each launched their own bids for the presidency, but opposition from the Conscience Whigs badly damaged Webster's standing. "[118] The Whigs enjoyed great success in the 1840 elections, as Harrison took a majority of the popular and electoral vote and the party won control of Congress. In Schultz, David, ed. In Portsmouth, New Hampshire Taylor won the election and was succeeded John. Criticized Jackson as a tyrannical executive and careless spending 26 ] after the Convention the... [ 89 ] after the speech 's impact and popularity, some contemporaries compared to... With absolute disregard of personal consequences prestige in some recent historiography criticize war... 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